Potato allergy: What are the signs?

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Individuals with potato allergy usually experience symptoms after consumption. Even though many children outgrow the allergy, adults who develop the allergy might have it for life.

Individuals who are allergic to latex or birch pollen face a higher risk for ending up with potato allergy.

Close look on the indications of potato allergy

Itchiness and swelling

After consuming potatoes, the inflammation triggered by histamine initiates the symptoms of swelling and itchiness. Generally, it starts at the site of contact with itchiness in the lips, mouth, tongue and the throat.

Once the allergens move through the bloodstream, the itchiness might radiate to the eyes and skin. The swelling manifests as lumps in the mouth or swelling of the tongue. The swelling might spread to the eyelids and face or cause an elevated, reddened rash on the skin.

Generally, it starts at the site of contact with itchiness in the lips, mouth, tongue and the throat.

Difficulty breathing and heart issues

Difficulty breathing and swallowing along with an erratic pulse might indicate the start of anaphylaxis. Since the immune system wrongly perceives potato as a threat, it triggers an abrupt drop in the blood pressure.

The swelling in the throat clogs the airways which disrupts the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain. Other symptoms might be present such as wheezing, confusion, dizziness and slurred speech. If any of these symptoms are present, it is vital to seek immediate medical care since loss of consciousness might follow and even death.

Digestive issues

The digestive issues typically arise in 1-2 hours, at the pace of digestion and can be preceded by nausea.

An individual with potato allergy might suffer mild to severe stomach pain, vomiting, intestinal cramps and diarrhea. The digestive issues might arise abruptly. Along with the respiratory and heart problems, the condition can become debilitating.

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