Once an individual sustains a severe electric shock, there are actually three burns that can occur – area of skin where the electric current entered the body, area where the electric current left the body and the internal body tissues where the electrical current travelled. While performing first aid can help prevent circulatory shock and promote the healing process of the affected areas, electrical burns require timely medical care in order to prevent life-threatening damage to the deep tissues and organs.
When to call for emergency assistance for burns
Take note that not all electrical burns require emergency care. It all depends on the symptoms that will manifest. If the individual is no longer conscious or experiencing a seizure fit, you have to call for emergency assistance right away. In case the individual is conscious but complains of tingling sensation, numbness and muscle pain, you should also call for emergency assistance.
Once you have called for the medical team, do not touch the individual if possible until the situation has been properly assessed. Make sure that he/she is no longer in contact with the source of electricity. If you are not careful, you will also end up electrocuted. If possible, turn off the power source so that you can check the individual. Check the pulse and breathing. If both are absent, you have to perform CPR until the medical team arrives on the scene.
In case the individual is breathing, lay him/her on his/her back and elevate the legs while covering the torso with a blanket to prevent circulatory shock from developing. At this point, do not attend to the burn; just try to avoid moving him/her until the medical team arrives.
Providing non-emergency treatment

If there are no life-threatening symptoms, the individual must be taken to the hospital the same day so that proper assessment of the extent of the injuries can be carried out right away. In most cases, an MRI as well as blood tests is performed.
A dangerous complication from an electric shock is the overheating of the bones. Take note that the bones will absorb some of the electricity that passes through the body and converts it to heat. The bone will absorb enough energy to vaporize the fluid in the surrounding tissue, thus resulting to damage. A blood test will be performed and it will show the increased level of compounds linked with this thermal destruction.
Before taking the individual to the hospital, you have to place the affected area under cool running water for about 3 minutes. Pat dry the surface using a clean towel and cover the burn using a sterile bandage pad.
Getting a burn caused by an electric shock requires immediate care in order to prevent further damage as well as promote the healing process. Even though the exterior burn is minor, the internal damage might be extensive.