A change in the air pressure during the rainy season can lead to sinus pain or sinus headaches. During the rainy season, there is a change in the air pressure. It is important to note that a sinus headache can increase as the weather front draws closer and diminishes as the storm passes. If an individual experiences frequent episodes of sinus headaches, it is best to set an appointment with a doctor since migraines are usually misdiagnosed as sinus headaches.
Close look on sinus pain
The sinus pain is the outcome of the pressure placed all over the head due to inflammation in the sinus cavity. The sinuses are comprised of pockets filled with air. Once these pockets become swollen, the pressure is placed on the forehead, eyes, cheeks, ears and teeth.
A sinus headache that occurs during the rainy season might be intense in the morning upon the individual wakes up and progressively subsides throughout the day.

What are the symptoms of a sinus headache?
It is important to note that the sinus headache is characterized as a dull, throbbing pain in the middle of the head. Always bear in mind that the pain becomes worse if the individual bends down or quickly stands up. Sinus headaches can make the face highly sensitive to touch which produces soreness.
How to manage sinus headache
Always bear in mind that rainy days could not be avoided. Once a storm triggers a sinus headache, you can utilize over-the-counter medications and natural remedies to alleviate the symptoms.
Decongestants can be used to minimize the inflammation in the sinus cavity. These drugs should be carefully used since they have detrimental side effects that you should be familiar with such as sleeplessness, rapid heart rate and nervousness. In addition, steam can also be used or a humidifier to soothe the sinuses.
Possible complications
In case a sinus headache becomes persistent after a storm has passed, you have to observe for indications of a sinus infection. Once the sinus cavity becomes swollen for an extended period, it simply indicates that infection has developed.
It is best to set an appointment with a doctor if the individual develops fever higher than 100.5 degrees F, symptoms lasts longer than 10 days and medications could not provide relief. In case the discharge becomes thick and yellowish green in color, a doctor should be consulted.
What are the risk factors?
Those who suffer from chronic allergies, nasal polyps, chronic sinusitis, a deviated septum or other nasal issues, they are at higher risk for developing a sinus headache during rainy days.
A doctor should be consulted regarding the use of preventive medications such as corticosteroid nasal sprays that help maintain healthy sinuses.