Rashes in the groin area are typically triggered by skin irritation from various sources such as clothing rubbing against the skin. It is important to note that the rashes that manifest without other symptoms are usually minor and often settle with home treatment.
Common types of rashes in the groin
Contact dermatitis is the usual type of rash that manifests from a substance that triggers irritation or an allergic reaction. Those who work with solvents, soap or detergents might splatter these liquids on clothing at the level of the waist.
Over time, the body might form allergies to these substances. It is important to note that contact dermatitis is not usually serious, but can cause discomfort due to the intense itchiness.

Other types of rashes
- Scabies is triggered by small-sized mites that burrow into the exterior layers of the skin
- Jock itch or ringworm of the skin
- Pubic lice
- Psoriasis – there are 2 forms of genital psoriasis. Inverse psoriasis causes brightly red patches that can be itchy and penile psoriasis which causes pale reddish, scale-like patches that do not itch or burn
- Yeast infection
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) – blisters, sores or ulcers in the groin or genital area might be the initial symptoms of various STIs. If the individual has rashes or growths in the groin or genital region, avoid sexual contact until assessed by a doctor.
There are also certain conditions that can increase the risk for developing a serious infection. Individuals who have diabetes, impaired immune system or peripheral arterial disease might necessitate medical care at the initial signs of an infection.