If an individual suffers from frequent congestion, stuffiness, sneezing and an itchy or runny nose, it might indicate rhinitis. It is important to note that there are two forms of rhinitis – non-allergic rhinitis and allergic rhinitis.
What is allergic rhinitis?
This form of rhinitis is caused by allergens such as pollen, mold and animal dander. These substances are usually harmless but can trigger allergic reactions in some individuals.
The allergy symptoms occur once the immune system overly reacts to a harmless allergen. Antibodies are produced which trigger the release of histamine that instigate an allergic reaction. An individual with allergic rhinitis is prone to watery, itchy eyes and more sensitive to irritants such as perfume, smoke or dry air.

What are the triggers?
The seasonal allergic rhinitis is typically triggered by outdoor allergens such as mold and pollen. Some individuals experience symptoms year-round due to indoor allergens from mold, pets, dust mites and cockroach.
How allergic rhinitis is diagnosed
The allergist will gather a detailed health history, perform a physical exam and conduct testing for allergy. The skin testing will reveal results within 20 minutes. The results as well as how frequent and severity of the symptoms are considered when creating a treatment plan. The steps in managing the symptoms include avoidance of allergens, medications and immunotherapy (allergy shots).
The initial step in managing this condition involves avoidance of allergens that trigger the symptoms. If the steps to avoid the allergens are not enough to control the symptoms, the doctor might recommend immunotherapy to control the inflammation and prevent the symptoms.
Nasal corticosteroid sprays work by controlling the inflammation as well as minimizing the symptoms of allergic rhinitis including runny nose, itching, sneezing and stuffiness. Antihistamines in liquid form, nasal sprays or pills block the histamine which helps relieve sneezing, itchiness and runny nose but not as effective in minimizing nasal congestion.
Anti-leukotrienes that are available in pill form can help minimize all signs and symptoms of the condition. As for nasal sprays or decongestant pills, they are used if required if nasal congestion could not be alleviated by other medications. These medications must not be used for prolonged periods since they can lead to the return of the congestion or even worsen it.
In some cases, the doctor might recommend immunotherapy (allergy shots). This treatment involves injections administered over a period of time up to 3-5 years. This treatment is highly effective in reducing the sensitivity to allergens, oftentimes permanently.
Non- allergic rhinitis
Many individuals with symptoms of rhinitis do not have any allergies. If an individual has non-allergic rhinitis, avoidance of allergens is not needed and will not help with the symptoms. It is vital to consult an allergist to determine what he/she is allergic to or not.
Non-allergic rhinitis typically starts in adults and triggers year-round symptoms especially nasal stuffiness and runny nose. Strong odors, weather changes, pollution, smoke and other irritants can trigger the symptoms of non-allergic rhinitis.