Shoulder instability is the term used if the shoulder appears out of place or feels likely. Remember that instability simply means that the shoulder bones are not stable in which they are not held in place as tightly as they should be.
Indications of shoulder instability
The main indication is shoulder pain that can occur slowly or abruptly. In case the injury occurs abruptly, there is also numbness all the way down the arm.
If shoulder instability occurs in a steady manner over time, there is also pain that manifest at certain times. Movement of the shoulder such as throwing can also cause discomfort, but the pain is not as bad as the pain from injuries. The shoulder might be sore if moved. It might even feel loose in its joint and the affected arm feels weak.

Is it the same with shoulder dislocation?
The indications of dislocation and instability might appear similar such as shoulder pain and weakness. Nevertheless, dislocation occurs if the shoulder moves completely out of place. The shoulder ligaments are usually torn and could not keep the joint in place.
Shoulder instability develops if the ligaments and muscles surrounding the joint are weakened. The muscles and ligaments become weak if they are overly stretched. The shoulder ligaments and muscles might end up stretched if an individual often throws a ball, serving a volleyball strenuously or direct injury during a football game.
The treatment for shoulder instability usually depends on the severity of the injury and if it is important to maintain a strong shoulder. Some individuals might require physical therapy while others are required to undergo surgery.
Some individuals are required to stop playing sports and avoid activities that can damage the shoulder again. In case the individual does not want to give up sports or other activities, a doctor should be consulted if he/she can engage in resistance and weight-lifting exercise to strengthen the shoulder muscles.
More Information / Disclaimer
The information posted on this page on shoulder instability is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage joint injuries such as shoulder instability by taking a standard first aid course with Saskatoon First Aid.