Milk allergy is one of the most common food allergies among children. Even though an allergic reaction typically occurs due to consumption of cow’s milk, the individual might be allergic to other types of milk such as common alternatives particularly sheep and goat. Milk allergy is usually mistaken for lactose intolerance which is a different condition that causes digestive symptoms. If the individual has milk allergy, the usual symptoms includes skin rashes. Eczema and hives are also common rashes linked with milk allergies. It is best to consult a doctor first if the individual suspects an adverse reaction to milk.
What are the causes?
Milk allergy is the reaction of the immune system to the proteins present in milk. It is important to note that milk is made out of two proteins – whey and protein. An individual might be allergic to one or both of these proteins in milk, but there is a possibility that if he/she is allergic to one, it is best to avoid the other protein. Once milk is ingested, the immune system will start to react as if it is under attack and starts to generate antibodies to fight off the proteins. A chain reaction is started in which histamine is released in different soft tissues in the body.

What happens during an allergic reaction to milk?
The increased level of histamine in the body leads to irritation and inflammation. Essentially, histamine affects the sinuses, lungs, intestines and the skin. Once histamine is released in the skin, the surface will start to swell and eventually triggering the development of skin rashes. If an individual is susceptible to eczema, milk allergy can initiate an outbreak. In most cases, the increased level of histamine in the skin results to hives or generalized rash.
What are the types?
Hives are the usual skin rash linked with milk allergy. These are described as clusters of welts that develop in different shapes and sizes that are flat and very itchy. Take note that hives usually come and go as well as manifesting on any part of the body. Hives are generally harmless, unless they form in the interior ear or throat. As for eczema, it is a chronic skin condition that causes the skin to be highly sensitive to different triggers. Always remember that food allergies are the usual triggers that can lead to blister formation that weep and crust over.
The ideal treatment for milk allergy that leads to skin rashes is to avoid consumption of dairy products. A first aid measure that you can perform is to apply a cold compress on the affected areas as well as keeping the skin moisturized. Encourage the individual to wear loose-fitting clothes. You can also apply steroid creams such as hydrocortisone to minimize the itchiness and inflammation.
Important considerations to bear in mind
Always remember that hives can manifest as one of the initial indications of anaphylactic shock which is a life-threatening condition. In case the individual develops hives that is accompanied by shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat and lightheadedness, call for emergency assistance right away.