The skin rashes that develop right after eating meat can indicate hypersensitivity to the proteins present in the meat. The common food allergies are triggered by certain foods such as fish, nuts and milk but in some cases, the proteins present in meat can instigate an allergic reaction. If an individual develops skin rashes every time meat is eaten, a doctor must be consulted for proper evaluation of the skin issue to determine the exact cause.
Allergy to meat
It is reported that an allergy to meat might be common. This allergy occurs once the immune system of the body mistakenly identifies the proteins present in milk as a threat to the body. The immune system basically protects the body by producing the antibodies. These antibodies work to fight off the meat proteins, but also initiate the release of histamine in the soft tissues.

The histamine is the chemical in the body that prevents infection from developing but when in excess amounts, leads to irritation, inflammation and increased production of mucus. Allergies to meat can instigate minor to severe symptoms in a span of minutes after ingesting meat.
Skin rashes
Once the body is fighting the meat proteins, the increased amount of histamine will cause the blood vessels to dilate, resulting to inflammation and instability in the skin. The skin rash is the initial symptom of food allergy and can manifest on any part of the body.
The common skin rashes linked with sensitivity to the meat proteins include eczema and hives. The hives forms as red-colored welts on the skin surface with a flat appearance and defined edges. This condition is usually harmless unless they develop in the throat and cut off the capability to breathe. As for eczema, it is a skin issue that is initiated by hypersensitivity that results to the build-up of fluid in bumps that form on the arms, face and legs. You can learn ways to manage these skin conditions if you register for first aid training today.
When confirming and clinically diagnosing the condition, the doctor will carry out tests in order to confirm hypersensitivity to the meat proteins. The proteins from the meat are exposed to the skin in a specific area in order to determine if the skin will react. If the skin becomes red, inflamed or bumpy within 15 minutes, the doctor will confirm an allergy with a blood test.
Important considerations to bear in mind
There is a possibility that an individual might have an allergy to another food that is usually eaten with meat. The individual should keep a food journal where he/she will note down all the foods eaten and any reactions that develop after eating. This will help the doctor determine the foods to test for sensitivity. The common food allergies include milk, eggs, soy, fish, wheat, nuts and tree nuts.