There are some individuals who have allergic reactions such as skin rashes after exposure to certain types of soap powder. It is important to note that an allergy is described as a hypersensitivity to one or more substances that the immune system perceives as a threat. As a result, the body starts to defend itself against the perceived threat. The chemicals present in various types of soap powders in the market are the usual culprits behind soap powder allergy.
How allergic reactions occur
Once the immune system wrongly identifies a particular substance as a threat, it triggers the production of antibodies that help protect the body against the apparent threat. The immune system releases histamine and other antibodies into the bloodstream every time the individual is exposed to the substance. Some individuals who are highly sensitive to certain types of soap powder can end up with hives, an itchy skin rash with elevated bumps. Always bear in mind that allergic reactions to soap powder as well as other detergents typically cause contact dermatitis.

What is contact dermatitis?
Chemicals, detergents, fragrances, perfumes and solvents are the common allergens for contact dermatitis which occurs after exposure to an allergen. Always bear in mind that contact dermatitis involves skin inflammation. When it comes to irritant dermatitis, it is a form caused by contact with detergents, soaps and chemicals. As for allergic dermatitis, it triggers a rash within 1-2 days of exposure to the allergen with symptoms such as redness, itchiness, swelling of the skin, rashes and skin lesions.
Diagnosis and treatment
The doctor will evaluate the medical history and previous reactions to an allergen to properly diagnose allergies. In most cases, a patch test is utilized to determine if an individual has an allergy to a specific substance. During this test, the doctor applies a patch of the allergen to the skin and monitors for any reaction over a period of days. In case there is an allergic reaction after contact with soap powder, it is recommended to wash the skin to eliminate all traces of the allergen. The doctor might recommend over-the-counter or prescription lotions as well as corticosteroids cream to effectively manage the symptoms.
You can prevent an allergic reaction by avoiding contact with the potential allergens. It is vital to avoid exposure to soap powder and detergents. It is recommended to select products that do not contain the potential allergens.
Hypoallergenic products are beneficial for individuals who are highly sensitive to certain chemicals. Selecting soap powders that are free from fragrances, perfumes and dyes can help prevent reactions. In addition, green products intended for environmental protection might be free from chemicals that act as allergens. If in doubt, a dermatologist should be consulted so that the right products will be prescribed.