Skin itchiness is an uncomfortable sensation in which an individual feels the urge to scratch the affected area. The indications of itchy skin include dryness, redness, cracked and scaly skin as well as blisters or bumps on the skin. The skin itchiness might be due to a skin condition such as dermatitis. There are certain medications, chemicals, soaps, laundry detergents and plants such as poison ivy that can cause skin itchiness. Luckily, there are various medications that can manage this condition.
Topical hydrocortisone
Topical hydrocortisone is an over-the-counter medication utilized to minimize itchiness, inflammation as well as redness and scaling of the skin. Specifically, this medication manages the skin itchiness and irritation caused by the following:
- Eczema
- Insect bites
- Exposure to poison oak
- Jewelry
- Cosmetics
In addition, hydrocortisone is also used to manage anal or rectal itching as well as itchiness of the scalp.

The side effects of hydrocortisone include burning, itching, drying and cracking of the skin. This medication also causes changes in the skin color. If a serious allergic reaction occurs, it involves symptoms such as wheezing, difficulty breathing, skin infection and trouble swallowing.
Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine that can be used to manage skin itchiness. It can also be used to treat allergy symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, rashes and hives. This medication is also used in treating motion sickness and cough. In some circumstances, it is also used to manage Parkinson’s disease and sleeping issues in some individuals.
The side effects of diphenhydramine include fatigue, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and issues with urination. Trouble breathing, closing up of the throat and swelling of the tongue and face are indications of an allergic reaction to the medication. Once a reaction occurs, the individual should stop using the medication. The consumption of alcohol while using diphenhydramine can lead to increased drowsiness and dizziness. Certain medications such as alprazolam, sertraline, triazolam or temazepam might interact with diphenhydramine and make it less effective or even cause a number of side effects.
Calamine and pramoxine
Calamine and pramoxine are anti-itch medication that specifically relieves minor skin irritation due to insect bites, chickenpox and poison ivy, oak and sumac. In most cases, the medication does not trigger any side effects as long as used in small amounts. On the other hand, calamine and pramoxine can lead to allergic symptoms such as difficulty breathing, chest tightness and swelling of the lips, face or tongue. Take note that this medication must not be applied to the skin more than 3-4 times a day.
In case the skin itchiness becomes troublesome and affects the daily activities of the individual, it is best to consult a doctor so that the right medication can be prescribed to minimize the itchy sensation.