Dehydration is considered as a medical condition that is caused by inadequate fluid levels in the body that can be due to certain conditions or lost due to vomiting or diarrhea in certain health conditions. If the condition is left untreated, it can be life-threatening, especially among infants and toddlers. The symptoms of dehydration can be hard to detect among toddlers, but requires immediate attention in order to prevent further health complications from developing.
Dry diapers
A toddler that is properly hydrated should have a soiled diaper changed every 2-4 hours. As for a dehydrated toddler, he/she does not have enough fluids in the body to produce urine. In case the toddler continues to have an unsoiled diaper for more than 6 hours, this indicates that he/she is dehydrated and requires immediate measures to help restore proper hydration to the body.

Dark-colored urine
The excess waste is eliminated from the body by the kidneys and excreted in the form of urine. If a toddler has diminished levels of fluids in the body due to dehydration, the urine can become highly concentrated with surplus waste products. Take note that this can cause the urine to appear darker in color than usual or has an unusually strong odor.
The diminished levels of fluid due to dehydration can cause the toddler to appear unusually tired or lethargic. In most cases, the toddler might take longer than usual naps or appear glassy-eyed or confused when talking to him/her.
Dehydration can cause the toddler to feel dizzy or lightheaded that can cause accidental fall or knocking onto things more often when he/she walks.
Dry lips
The fluids in the body are responsible for keeping the skin, mouth and lips properly hydrated. In case the toddler is suffering from dehydration, he/she can end up with noticeable dry mouth or dry lips. The increased thirst due to dehydration and dry mouth can force the child to as for his/her bottle or juice cup.
Cold extremities
When it comes to severe cases of dehydration, the toddler can end up with abnormally cold hands or feet. The skin of the extremities can also appear splotchy or discolored due to the diminished level of fluids in the body.
Absence of tears
Once a toddler is dehydrated, he/she can become unusually fussy or restless. When the toddler cries, there are no tears present. Take note that this can occur during cases of moderate to severe dehydration since the body does not have enough fluids to produce tears anymore.
Sunken eyes
If the toddler is moderately or severely dehydrated, his/her eyes can appear sunken into the skull. The skin that surrounds the eyes becomes discolored or dark that can cause the toddler to appear fatigued or ill.