The medications that are used for treating diabetes can bring on an unusually low blood sugar level while the individual sleeps at night. This is considered as an adverse side effect called as nocturnal hypoglycemia which occurs primarily during insulin therapy. It can occur less commonly among those who are using sulfonylurea. Always bear in mind that a severe case of nocturnal hypoglycemia can be possibly life-threatening. You can learn more about diabetes and how to manage the symptoms by enrolling in a first aid course.
If you suspect that a diabetic individual is suffering from nocturnal hypoglycemia, it is best that you are well aware of the symptoms of the condition so that a doctor can be consulted as soon as possible.
Night sweats
Hypoglycemia can trigger drenching sweats. This is a nervous system reaction to the drop in the blood sugar level. The night sweats on the other hand are not specific to the low blood sugar level since it can also occur in other health conditions. With the help of blood sugar testing, it is vital in determining hypoglycemia as the cause of this indication.
Morning headaches
Morning headaches usually occur after episodes of nocturnal hypoglycemia. Take note that this symptom can serve as an essential warning among those who do not awaken during the nocturnal hypoglycemic episodes.
In case the morning headaches occur frequently, the individual should set an alarm so that nighttime glucose testing can be carried out since this is used to help determine if nocturnal hypoglycemic are currently being experienced by the individual.
Nightmares and vivid dreams
In studies conducted, vivid dreams and nightmares can be experienced by the individual. These can be considered as symptoms of low nocturnal blood sugar in the body. By recognizing the nightmares as an indication of nocturnal hypoglycemia, it has proven to be vital for those who have diabetic children who might not be able to recognize the hypoglycemic symptoms on their own.
Awakening and confusion
In some cases, the individual can awaken during the episode. The mental symptoms such as mental fogginess, confusion or anxiety might occur upon awakening during a hypoglycemic episode. More importantly, the normal mechanism that causes the awakening with hypoglycemia might be impaired among those who have type I diabetes.
Seizures and coma
It is important to note that severe cases of nocturnal hypoglycemia can lead to a seizure or coma. The possibility for a deadly nocturnal hypoglycemic experience will pose as a big danger particularly those who have type I diabetes. While sleeping, a hypoglycemic episode can easily progress to a state of unconsciousness if proper intervention is not provided. The diet, consistency in activity and medications can help minimize the risk of severe nocturnal hypoglycemia. A doctor should be consulted regarding the appropriate treatment measures to prevent this symptom from further aggravating the condition.