The city of Brandon, Maple Leaf Foods to distribute free masks to the community

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Residents in Brandon who wants or needs a face mask will get a chance to pick up a bag for free. The city has partnered with Maple Leaf Foods, Inc. to provide a bag of 25, three-ply, disposable masks to every household.

There are 500,000 face masks on the route from Toronto to Brandon where some 10,000 will be divided up among local social service agencies and the rest will be made ready for the public.

Part of the donation is being provided to some of the downtown centers so vulnerable populations can access face masks should they want to while the rest are being made available to whoever wants.

The face masks are going to be distributed at two locations between 10 AM and 4 PM.

The face masks are going to be distributed at two locations between 10 AM and 4 PM. The first is the north parking lot of the Riverbank Discovery Centre at 545 Conservation Drive. The other is at the Keystone Centre, at 1175 18th Street which is a drive-through station.


Check out the available face masks for sales by visiting our face mask sale page.

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