Treating a toddler with blisters

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Blisters are described as elevated pouches of skin that are filled with fluid and caused by friction on the skin of a toddler but can also be a side effect of contact-related dermatitis or a severe diaper rash. These blisters are not only painful, but can be easily infested with bacteria and germs, thus resulting to an infection. In case a toddler has a blister, most of the treatments used involved keeping the sore dry, clean and properly covered until it starts to heal on its own.

Preventing infection

Once blisters are broken, they are at high risk for infection. The open skin will allow the bacteria and germs to penetrate the surface of the skin, thus it is essential to keep the blister dry and clean at all times. While fresh air usually helps in the healing of the blister, toddlers might pick up on the blister, thus worsening it.

Take note that blisters can be painful especially for toddlers who have low tolerance for pain. Whether the blister was caused by friction such the heel coming in contact with an ill-fitting shoe or due to diaper rash, blisters feel hot or create a stinging sensation.

Discourage picking by placing a clean bandage over the blister. Change the bandage regularly especially after it becomes wet since moisture can slow down the healing process. In case the toddler complains of soreness, you have to apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly before the abrasion will stick with the bandage.

Minimize the pain

Take note that blisters can be painful especially for toddlers who have low tolerance for pain. Whether the blister was caused by friction such the heel coming in contact with an ill-fitting shoe or due to diaper rash, blisters feel hot or create a stinging sensation. You can provide pain medications to reduce the pain and swelling. You can learn more about pain management measures by enrolling in a first aid class today.

Application of ointments and creams

If the blister of the toddler is becoming red, has oozing pus or becoming more tender, it is best to consult a doctor. When keeping the area clean and dry, the ideal treatment for an uncomplicated blister is antibiotic or antibacterial when the blister is not properly healing. There are special ointments and creams required for unbroken blisters unless prescribed by the doctor while a popped blister can greatly benefit from daily application of antibacterial ointment.

Prevention of blisters

Just like with various skin conditions, the prevention of blisters is often the most effective mode of treatment. Prior to giving a toddler with a new pair of shoes, inspect if there are any rough protrusions or edges that can cause unnecessary pressure on the skin of the child. Check for irritating tags on the interior of shirts and pants as well.

In case the toddler has blisters due to a severe diaper rash, the diapers of the toddler must be changed regularly to prevent the skin being in contact with the soiled diaper for long periods of time and utilize a zinc oxide diaper cream that helps create a barrier between moisture and the skin of the toddler.

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