Burns that are caused by exposure to boiling grease are classified as second-degree burns that necessitate appropriate care to prevent scarring or infection. Depending on the harshness of the grease burn, there are various treatment methods that can be used. In case you are uncertain on how to deal with a burn caused by exposure to grease, it is best to consult a doctor. By enrolling in a first aid class, it can provide you with the basic information that you need on how to deal with burns.
Grease burn without open blisters
If a grease burn has blisters, be careful not to pop them open since they serve as the body’s way to protect itself from infection. The skin surrounding the burn will start to swell, thus you have to remove any constrictive clothing or jewelry close to the affected area. For pain relief, hold the affected area under cool running water or apply a washcloth or towel that is moistened with cold water. Continue this until the pain has fully subsided.
The burned area must be covered with a dry, sterile bandage and avoid applying tape to the area. Do not apply any ointments on the burn since they can trap the heat and increase the severity of the burn. In case the burn is on one of the extremities, make sure that the area is properly elevated to prevent swelling from developing.
Grease burns with open blisters

If a grease burn has blisters that are open, you must not run cool water over the affected area. Additionally, if there is any clothing sticking to the burn, do not remove it. All you have to do is to apply a dry sterile bandage such as a gauze pad.
How to properly care for a burn
When it comes to burns, proper attention must be given in order to prevent infection from developing. Before changing the bandages, always make sure that you have carefully washed your hands using soap and water. Prepare the new bandage on a sterile area. Be careful when removing the old bandage and soak it first for easy removal if it is sticking on the burn. Gently wash the affected area and check for any changes such as swelling, pus and redness. Spread a layer of antibiotic cream evenly over the burn and carefully apply the new bandage.
When to consult a doctor
If the burned area is bigger than 2-3 inches in size or on the face, genital area, hands, buttocks or over a joint, it is best to seek medical care. Whether the initial burn is treated or not, the individual must seek medical attention if fever, pus, increased redness, swelling or numbness is present on the affected area. If the burn takes more than 2 weeks to heal, consult a doctor. Take note that these are signs of an infection and would require immediate treatment.