Angina is basically a type of chest pain that is triggered by reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. Individuals describe angina as pressure, tightness or heaviness in the chest. The usual forms of angina are stable and unstable. When it comes to stable angina, it is constant and recurring that is commonly experienced during exertion. As for unstable angina or acute angina, it is a new or abrupt chest pain. In most cases, the doctor will treat acute angina based on whether the angina is mild, moderate or severe.
Changes in the lifestyle
Once angina is considered as mild, the doctor often opts to treat angina with modifications with the lifestyle before medications or surgical options are used. Individuals are advised to stop smoking, avoid large meals and stick with a healthy diet comprised of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.

The doctor will advise the individual to start an exercise program. Those who are overweight and have diabetes are recommended with a diet program to help lose weight and control the blood sugar level since both can help prevent angina attacks. The doctor will also recommend ways to help control the stress level which also helps prevent angina attacks.
In most cases, the doctor will also prescribe medications to control angina. Nitroglycerin is commonly used since it helps relax the veins and coronary arteries to diminish the amount of blood that returns to the heart, thus reducing the workload of the heart. Aspirin is also used for its ability to reduce blood clotting in order to allow the blood to flow easily through the constricted heart arteries, thus reducing the risk for a heart attack. You can learn more about the first aid measures for this medical emergency by enrolling in a first aid class today.
Beta blockers can also be used to help with acute angina by blocking the effects of epinephrine, thus causing the heart to beat at a slower rate and with minimal force, thus reducing the blood pressure. In some cases, other medications such as calcium channel blockers, statins and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors can help relax the blood vessels and boost the flow of blood.
Medical procedures
Once the individual continues to suffer from unstable angina, the doctor might consider stenting procedures or angioplasty. When it comes to angioplasty, it is a procedure that involves the temporary insertion and expanding a balloon at the location of the blockage to help open up the constricted artery. The doctor will insert a narrow coil called as a stent at the same time to help open up the artery and reduce the risk of narrowing again. It is important to note that there is also the possibility of the artery collapsing again and the procedure can be expensive.