A triceps strain is basically a tear to the triceps brachii muscle at the rear part of the upper arm which contracts in order to straighten out the elbow. This is considered as a common injury that can occur in certain sports as well as in the workplace.
What are the symptoms of a triceps strain?
The symptoms of a triceps strain typically include pain in the muscle at the rear part of the upper arm or the attachment points at the shoulder or elbow. In most cases, there is minimal swelling or bruising over the affected muscle. It is important to note that the pain is typically abrupt and a small popping sensation can be felt by the individual.

When the individual attempts to straighten or extend the elbow against resistance, it can be painful. The tenderness pressing into the muscle is considered as a symptom while stretching the triceps can also instigate pain.
What are the possible causes?
Injuries to the triceps muscles typically occur right after an abrupt force or stretch on the muscles. There is abrupt pain and oftentimes a popping sound or sensation in the muscle. Remember that this is not a usual injury but can occasionally occur among weight lifters or playing sports that involve quick, forceful elbow extension.
A triceps strain can also be caused by overuse and constant strain which weakens the muscle to a point where a tear occurs in the fibers.
The immediate first aid for a triceps strain involves adequate rest and application of ice. An ice pack should be applied for 10-15 minutes every hour during the acute stage which usually lasts 24-48 hours. When using an ice pack, always wrap it with a clean towel or cloth before application in order to prevent injury to the skin.
In most cases, a compression bandage can be applied to help minimize the swelling. To learn to recognize and manage muscle injuries including triceps strain, sign up for first aid training today.
The individual must be encouraged to move the elbow in a gentle manner in order to prevent stiffening from developing. Once completely free from pain, the individual can stretch the triceps muscles. The isometric strengthening exercises can be started with mild resisted elbow extension. The isometric exercises must be done without any movement of the elbow. This can eventually progress to exercises that involve the use of resistance bands with free weights. The individual should start light and then steadily build-up the intensity of the exercises. In case there is no pain during, after or the next day, it is best to increase the number of repetitions or resistance until the individual can perform press ups and bench press type of exercises.