Always bear in mind that the flu shot is the vaccine administered to prevent infection with the influenza virus. Influenza is known to easily spread via person-to-person contact. It is recommended to get the influenza vaccine at the start or during the flu season. Children over 6 months of age, elderly, pregnant women and those who have weakened immune systems or immunocompromised are strongly advised to receive the yearly influenza vaccine. Nevertheless, just like with any vaccine, there are certain reactions that manifest after receiving a flu shot that you should be familiar with.
Reactions at the injection site
A usual side effect of the vaccine is injection site reactions. The individual might experiences tenderness as well as redness or engorgement in the area the flu shot was injected. In most cases, there is a small-sized, hard bump on the affected area and there might be minor bruising.
Take note that these usual side effects should subside within several days after the vaccination was given. The application of a cold compress on the site can help minimize the swelling of the area. In case an infant has been vaccinated, make sure that you will apply additional pressure on the affected area while holding and changing the child.

Fevers, chills and muscle discomfort
The individual experiences chills, fever and muscle aches after receiving the influenza vaccine. Only a small percentage of individuals end up with these symptoms, generally 1-2 days after the administration of the vaccine.
A doctor should be consulted if an over-the-counter medication can be used such as acetaminophen to help relieve the fever and muscle discomfort. In case these detrimental effects persist, a doctor should be consulted.
Itchy eyes, hoarseness and cough
Itchy eyes, cough and hoarseness can develop right after the influenza vaccine is given. These typical effects can occur right away and can persist for several days. In such cases, throat sprays or lozenges can be given to minimize the hoarseness and coughing. A saline eye wash or drops can be used to minimize the red, sore itchy eyes.
Important considerations to bear in mind
The influenza vaccine is produced in the laboratory by utilizing chicken eggs in order to yield antibodies, but other vaccines are readily available at the present that no longer include any eggs.
If an individual is highly sensitive or allergic to chicken eggs or experiences a severe reaction to the flu shot in the past, it is not advisable to be given this type of vaccination. The indications of an allergic response include rashes or hives that may or may not be itchy, difficulty breathing, dizziness and swollen throat or tongue. If the individual is suspected of a reaction to the influenza vaccine, it is vital to seek immediate medical care.