Most of the skin conditions that develop in other parts of the body can also affect the ears. Dermatitis, infection and psoriasis can trigger issues with the skin of the outer ear as well as the ear canal, triggering itchy ears. It is important to note that itchy ears can cause discomfort and potentially dangerous since the urge to reduce the itchiness can result to unintentional damage to the eardrum.
Eczema is a term used for a condition that involves irritation of the skin linked with intense itchiness. Exposure to chemical irritants such as soaps or hair products can trigger eczema in the ears. In some cases, the itchy ears are triggered by an allergic reaction.
Among children, an eczematoid rash is considered part of a long-term skin condition known as atopic dermatitis. It is vital to avoid any of the potential triggers. In addition, topical medications might be required to manage atopic dermatitis of the ears.
Swimmer’s ear
Swimmer’s ear or otitis externa develops when the skin of the ear canal becomes infected or inflamed. If there is an unusual amount of moisture in the ear, it increases the risk of developing this condition. The most common symptoms of otitis externa include pain and itchy ears.

The swelling can cause momentary hearing loss due to the partial blockage of the canal. In most cases, the affected ear often requires cleaning in order to eliminate the drainage and skin debris. Eardrops can be used to clear up the infection and minimize skin irritation.
Earwax problems
Earwax or cerumen protects the skin of the ear canal. It is responsible for keeping the canal clean and prevents bacterial infection. Earwax normally moves outward to the opening of the ear canal where it flakes off the surface of the skin.
Obsessive attempts to keep the ears clean by removing the cerumen using cotton-tipped swabs can lead to itching and dryness of the ear canal. The itchy ears linked with inadequate earwax usually clear after stopping the use of cotton swabs when cleaning the ear canal. Impaction of earwax can also cause itchy ears.
Seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis is described as a long-lasting inflammatory skin condition described by waxy, itchy and scaling rash. Always bear in mind that the ears are typically affected in adults with the condition.
This condition is triggered by an inflammatory immune reaction to Malassezia yeast that is normally present on the skin. The yeast generates substances that instigate a skin reaction among those who have seborrheic dermatitis. Antifungal medications as well as topical steroids are beneficial in controlling this condition.
Psoriasis is a lifelong condition affecting the skin that is characterized by dry, patchy areas of skin overgrowth capped by silvery-white scales. Pain and itchiness typically occurs in the involved areas.
Take note that psoriasis can affect any skin surface, including the exterior ear and ear canal. The scales that accumulate in the ear canal can cause a blockage. The removal of the blockage while topical medications are given to control the scales present in the ears.