Nocturnal seizures are best described as sleep-related seizures that typically manifest at night time. An individual suffering from this type of condition has a spurt of movement that jolts the body awake. These types of seizures can occur several times at night or can be limited to rare occurrences. A nocturnal seizure is a form of epilepsy in which the indications and the causes are quite similar to epileptic seizures.
Fever and vaccinations
Fever is a body reaction in order to destroy invading microbes and a developing infection within the body. The body temperature goes up higher than the sustainable situation for the bacteria or virus and occasionally eliminating them. Unfortunately, fever is also the trigger of seizures especially among children. Take note that these types of episodes can occur several times during the day and night time, thus causing nocturnal seizures. A child suffering from nocturnal seizures caused by fever is not likely to develop into epilepsy later in life. It is important that you know how to reduce the fever. All you have to do is to register for first aid training today.

As for vaccinations, there was a study conducted in which DPT or diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis can cause seizures among children. It was discovered that these seizures were instigated by a current condition that resulted to the day and nocturnal seizures among children after the vaccine was administered.
The skull protects the brain from trauma such as a direct hit with an object or bumping the head. Nevertheless, strong forces can cause the cracking of the skull or cause damage to the brain despite the hard protection offered by the skull. The damage sustained can lead to swelling and eventually seizures. It is important to note that not all will suffer from seizures right away since some cases of nocturnal seizures can occur several years after the incident. Children can also suffer from nocturnal seizures after sustaining severe head trauma.
Stroke and tumors that cause permanent damage to the brain can also trigger the manifestation of seizures. Hydrocephalus is a disorder where the cerebral spinal fluid accumulates in the brain, thus leading to an increase in the pressure within the brain. Take note that these conditions do not usually instigate nocturnal seizures but the shunt used in draining the excess fluid due to hydrocephalus can trigger the manifestation of seizures.
Drug and alcohol abuse
Drug and alcohol use can also lead to seizures. There is a high risk of developing seizures among alcoholics who consume heavily and those who undergo substance abuse. Individuals who are undergoing detoxification from severe alcohol usage are closely monitored for the development of the symptoms of withdrawal. The initial nocturnal seizure can manifest from several hours up to two days after the individual stops using alcohol and certain drugs.