Perioral dermatitis is a skin condition that is quite common among women. If you have not heard about this type of dermatitis before, it involves inflammation specifically in the area that surrounds that mouth. Perioral dermatitis manifests as red-colored, itchy, sore, acne-like lumps around the mouth.
In most cases, the facial rash is only temporary or can also become a chronic condition that can be aesthetically unappealing especially among women. Remember that each individual reacts differently to the inflammation. Even today, the exact cause of this form of dermatitis is not yet determined. On the other hand, the risk factors and possible causes include the use of steroids, allergic reaction to certain types of toothpaste and overusing certain facial products.
Use of steroids

One of the typical and prevalent causes of perioral dermatitis includes the use of topical steroids on the face. Always bear in mind that these corticosteroid drugs are categorized as anti-inflammatory medications and can be used to manage various skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis and rosacea.
The extended use of steroids can trigger a different form of skin rash in most individuals. Inhaled steroids that are taken by nose or mouth to manage respiratory conditions can also increase the risk for the development of perioral dermatitis. If the individual has been prescribed by the doctor with steroid medications and ends up with an unsightly, red-colored rash around the mouth, it is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor so that further instructions can be given.
Allergic reaction to toothpaste
Some individuals might end up with perioral dermatitis which is an allergic reaction to the toothpaste being used. It is important to note that certain types of toothpaste in the market contain fluoride which might be the culprit for the rashes in some circumstances.
A doctor should be consulted so that the symptoms can be discussed, specifically the timing and appearance in order to determine the suitable dental care products that might cause the discomfort.
Heavy usage of cosmetics
Using abundant amounts of facial products such as makeup, creams and moisturizing lotions can eventually lead to perioral dermatitis. Based on studies conducted, the distinctive rash can be triggered by bacterial or yeast infections that invades the hair follicles on the face. Heavy usage of cosmetics can block the pores, resulting to inflammation and even possible infection in the hair follicles. In most cases, simple washing of the face using water while the rash is present can help calm the irritation.
Depending on the cause of the perioral dermatitis, it is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor if this form of dermatitis is suspected. Proper assessment can be carried out so that appropriate treatment can be started to help clear up the skin condition.