Once the body does not have enough water and fluids to carry out the normal functions, it will result to serious effects in the body. Dehydration is defined as fluid loss and inadequate replenishment. It is vital to bear in mind that some of the early indications of dehydration can signify the need for fluid intake in order to prevent complications from developing.
Always bear in mind that some of these symptoms are clearly connected to dehydration while others can be erroneously linked to other ailments. Dehydration is triggered by various factors including vomiting, diarrhea, fever, profuse sweating and exposure to excessive heat. If you want to be prepared to manage this condition during the early stages, you can register for a first aid class today.

Mild thirst can be an indication of dehydration. The sensation is basically the natural way of the body to prevent serious complication linked with fluid loss from occurring. Always bear in mind that severe dehydration can eventually lead to thirst that could not be easily quenched. The ideal fluids to provide the individual include clear and sugar-free beverages. The individual should carbonated, caffeine and sugar until the dehydration has improved.
Mouth symptoms
The dryness of the mouth is often an early indication of dehydration. The tongue and mouth will feel sticky. In most cases, bad breathe is triggered by the dryness of the mouth and can indicate an early sign of dehydration.
Dry mucous membranes
The body will try to conserve any fluids which simply mean suppressing unnecessary secretions such as the tears. When dehydrated, infants and children can cry but tears are not produced. It is important to note that even the nose can dry out. Additionally, chapped and dry lips will also develop.
Urinary symptoms
Once the fluid level in the body is reduced, the urinary output will also be affected. In some individuals, they will notice urine that is darker in color than normal that has a strong odor. After some time, the dehydration will lead to a diminished amount of urine. Among infants and children, this is evident with a few soiled diapers.
It is important to note that muscle weakness and headache can also occur due to dehydration. Depending on the level of dehydration, these can either be mild or moderate. Restoration of fluids can help improve these symptoms particularly with the consumption of beverages that contain sodium such as clear broths. In some cases, lightheadedness or dizziness can also develop. Always remember that the lack of fluid in the body will lead to unusual tiredness or sleepiness especially among children.
Once any of these early indications of dehydration are present, it is best to take the appropriate measures to prevent them from worsening. Proper hydration is vital to restore the fluids that were lost.