Sea urchins are invertebrates that thrive in the bottom of the ocean, usually close to the rocky shores. Some of these species are small and barely visible, almost matching with the sea floor while others are large in size, eye-catching with striking colors. Take note that sea urchins have venomous spines that extend from their outer shells.
Sea urchins somewhat resemble the hedgehog due to its spines. These creatures also vary in color that can range from brown, purple, black, white, red or even green. Most species are approximately 2-4 inches in diameter including the spines. They feed on seaweed and other organic matter in the water. Take note that on the undersurface is where the mouth is located with strong teeth which is utilized for feeding. Some species create holes using their teeth on rocks along the shore and use these as hiding places. The eggs of sea urchins are also served as food in different European and Asian countries.
Sea urchin as food
It is important to note that the roe and gonads of sea urchins are a delicacy in some countries but there are risks involved if sea urchin is eaten. Sea urchin poisoning can occur if the individual ingests the venom. The symptoms of poisoning typically include a severe headache, excessive salivation and swollen lips and mouth. In most cases, the individual will become nauseous or experience abdominal pain as well as episodes of vomiting and diarrhea.

Contact with sea urchins
If an individual gets in contact with sea urchins particularly their spines that often contain the venom, it can trigger certain reactions. Even though death is not common, a close encounter with the venom can leave behind a severe wound that would require immediate first aid care. In some cases, the spines can even break off and embed into the skin in which they have to be removed surgically.
The pain can be mild if it only involved light brushing on the spines, but it can also be severe if the individuals accidentally steps on the spines or once the wound becomes infected. Always remember that touching sea urchins will trigger an allergic reaction in some individuals. With this in mind, it is important to watch out for sea urchins in order to avoid getting injured.
What happens during an allergic reaction?
Some individuals can experience an allergic reaction to the sea urchin venom regardless of how they came in contact with it. The allergic reactions are the same if the venom was ingested. The reactions include diarrhea, abdominal pain and headaches. Other possible allergic reactions include dry or itchy skin, skin rashes, wheezing, swelling of the skin, coughing or asthma and difficulty breathing. In case of a severe allergic reaction, it would require immediate emergency care to help ease the symptoms.