Chlorine is considered as one of the commonly used yet highly toxic chemical in nature. It is a usual component of various household products such as laundry detergents and even present in drinking water. It is important to note that some individuals have chlorine allergy and it is vital that you are prepared to handle one. All you have to do is to enroll in a course on first aid today.
Chlorine is also common in recreational venues such as hot tubs and swimming pools. Some individuals have low tolerance to chlorine whether through direct contact with the chemical or by inhaling the vapor it produces. Those who have low resistance to chlorine can end up with some of the allergy symptoms upon exposure to the chemical. Even though not all are sensitive to the chemical, those who are sensitive should take the appropriate precautions to limit or avoid exposure.
Skin issues
Being exposed to chlorine can lead to various skin issues which is often the initial indication of sensitivity to chlorine. In most cases, the skin can become itchy and dry. Some individuals can also suffer from severe itchiness up to the extent that he/she can experience skin peeling.

Those who have chlorine allergy can experience itchy, red-colored rashes that are similar to rashes linked to eczema. Chlorine allergy will often lead to the development of an itchy, sore rash that usually occurs in the armpit and groin area. If an individual is suspected with an allergic reaction, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible for proper treatment.
Eye irritation
Another common symptom of chlorine allergy is eye irritation. Take note that this symptom can become apparent regardless of the type of exposure the individual was subjected to. The eyes will start to water excessively or even dry out upon exposure to chlorine.
An individual who is exposed to chlorine will also feel the urge to constantly rub the eyes after exposed to chlorine. The eyes can turn red and swollen while the eyelashes often fall off when exposed to the chlorinated substances. Once an allergic response is suspected, a doctor should be consulted right away.
Respiratory issues
In severe cases of chlorine allergy, it can lead to the development of respiratory issues. If an individual with chlorine allergy is subjected to fumes produced by the chemical, he/she can experience coughing and sneezing.
If an individual is exposed to the gases for an extended period, he/she can experience symptoms of an asthma attack. Remember that these symptoms will make it difficult to breathe, chest tightness and shallow breathing. In case an allergic reaction is suspected, a doctor should be consulted right away so that further assessment and suitable treatment options can be started.