Strep throat is basically a type of throat infection that is caused by Group A streptococcus. Even though this type of infection typically occurs among young children and teenagers, adults can also develop the condition. It is important to consult a doctor if an individual develops any of the symptoms of strep throat to ensure that proper assessment and treatment options are provided. If you want to learn more about strep throat, click here.
Sore throat
The common symptom of strep throat among adults is a sore throat. The abnormal presence of streptococcus bacteria inside the throat will lead to irritation and inflammation of this delicate tissue. Once this occurs, the individual will suffer from painful sensations in the throat which makes it difficult to swallow. Primarily, the sore throat occurs as a mild tickle inside the throat. As the bacteria continue to thrive and reproduce, the tickle can progress into a painful sore throat that can worsen if not treated right away.

It is important to note that a strep throat can develop upon the manifestation of a high fever that is higher than 100.4 degrees F usually in a day or two upon the onset of the symptoms. The fever can be accompanied by chills, sweating, body aches, headache or a general feeling of sickness.
White patches in the throat
An individual who has strep throat will notice the appearance of white patches on the surface of the throat or tonsils. Always bear in mind that these white patches develop as a result of the bacterial pus and mucus present inside the throat. The interior of the throat can also appear reddened, swollen or irritated if strep throat is present.
Enlarged lymph nodes
Once bacteria invade the body, the lymph nodes work to filter out these pathogens from the blood. An individual suspected of strep throat will notice the enlargement of the lymph nodes on the sides of the neck and can be tender to the touch. These enlarged lymph nodes usually occur along with the other symptoms such as fever and sore throat.
Considerations to bear in mind
Always remember that strep throat is highly communicable. This simply means that adults can acquire the condition from a child with the condition. If an individual is suspected with strep throat, a doctor must be consulted so that proper testing and assessment can be carried out.
In most cases of strep throat, a course of antibiotics for 10 days is given as the treatment. Both adults and children are no longer contagious after taking antibiotics for 24-48 hours. The severity of the sore throat can be reduced by encouraging the individual on gargling warm salt water several times in a day and only drink warm liquids. Throat lozenges can be given to sooth the irritated throat. Ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be given to reduce the fever as well as relieve the pain from the enlarged lymph nodes. Additionally, increasing the fluid intake is a must to keep the throat properly lubricated at all times.