Wheat allergy is oftentimes confused with celiac disease. An actual allergy to wheat is initiated by intolerance to certain proteins that are present in wheat. There are various foods that contain wheat or by-products of wheat. As for celiac disease, it is triggered by sensitivity to gluten which is also present in wheat as well as rye, oat and barley. The best way to determine if the individual is truly allergic to wheat is to undergo testing with a blood test or skin prick test. If a skin prick test is performed, the allergen is introduced into the skin in order to check if a localized reaction occurs. If there is a reaction, it simply indicates that the individual has wheat allergy.
What is oral allergy syndrome?
It is important to note that the severity and type of the allergy symptoms tend to vary depending on the allergen as well as the amount that the toddler has ingested. The toddler can also experience itchiness in the throat and mouth after ingesting wheat or products that contain wheat. This is known as oral allergy syndrome that is considered as an indication of a food allergy.

What is allergic rhinitis?
In some cases, toddlers can also develop allergic rhinitis. This condition involves a runny and itchy nose. As one of the nasal symptoms, this can be triggered by consumption and inhalation of food allergens. The severity depends on the sensitivity of the toddler. Allergic rhinitis can also be accompanied by nasal stuffiness, sneezing and itchiness of the ears.
Skin reactions
After several minutes or hours after exposure to wheat, a toddler can develop evident changes on the skin. The reactions include itchy, red-colored rash or hives that are characteristic to allergies. The skin hives are comprised of red, elevated, itchy bumps. These rashes can manifest on any part of the body but often present on the trunk. It is important to note that these skin reactions are referred to as atopic dermatitis and can include dry skin. Other skin reactions that can develop include eczema or urticaria.
Digestive symptoms
Several hours after the consumption of wheat products, the toddler can develop digestive symptoms. These symptoms include vomiting, nausea or diarrhea. It is important to note that the body generates these symptoms in order to eliminate the food allergen. In some cases, abdominal cramping can also accompany these symptoms.
What are the life-threatening symptoms?
Toddlers who are prone to the severe form of wheat allergy can develop anaphylaxis. It is important to note that anaphylactic shock is comprised of chest pain, difficulty breathing, wheezing and even respiratory arrest. Once this reaction occurs, it is considered life-threatening and entails immediate emergency care. If you will register in an emergency course in Saskatoon today, you are prepared to handle this type of reaction. In most cases, asthma can occur when the toddler experiences shortness of breath or coughs when attempting to breathe normally.