Molds are a type of fungi and can be present indoors and outdoors. When molds grow indoors, they are usually found in dark, moist areas such as corners of basements or bathrooms as well as along water-damaged walls. Mold can be found in a pile of leaves that have been undisturbed for some time outdoors. Many individuals react to the mold spores and the reaction can range from sneezing or even lung issues that require medical care. Remember that the severity of the symptoms that will manifest will depend on how long the individual has been exposed to the mold spores.
Once you suspect that an individual is experiencing an allergic reaction upon exposure to mold spores, it is vital that you know the appropriate steps to take. With this in mind, all you have to do is to register for first aid training in your area today.
What are the mild symptoms?
The usual symptoms of minimal mold exposure are similar to the usual allergy symptoms. It includes watery and itchy eyes, red skin, headaches and sneezing. These mild symptoms are usually a result of minor exposure to the mold spores such as being exposed to moldy leaves while raking them in the lawn or garden. If an individual does not have any underlying health issues and has a healthy immune system, he/she might not experience any reaction to the mold spores.

What are the moderate symptoms of mold illness?
If an individual has mold allergy or sensitive to mold, the symptoms can be quite severe. Some of the symptoms that can manifest include nasal stuffiness, eye irritation and wheezing. If the individual is exposed to mold regularly or on and off for an extended period, the reactions include fever, shortness of breath and lung issues due to lung infection. If any of these symptoms manifest, it is best to seek medical care to prevent them from worsening.
Severe symptoms of mold illness
When it comes to the symptoms of severe mold illness, they are often experienced if an individual is exposed to elevated amounts of mold for an extended period of time. The symptoms typically include severe eye damage including long-term memory loss, blindness as well as severe lung issues such as bleeding and even cancer.
If an individual is concerned about being exposed to mold, it is vital to check the house to ensure that there are no hidden areas where mold thrives. Utilize the appropriate cleaning measures so that the mold is eliminated in order to minimize the risk for exposure. In case the mold could not be entirely eliminated, professional service might be required in heavily infested houses in order to completely eradicate the mold. A doctor must be consulted if an individual has a previous mold exposure and discuss the symptoms being experienced.