Eczema is considered as a common skin condition among children. Eczema or atopic dermatitis can cause the skin to swell, redden and itch. The skin condition can affect any area of skin but usually present on the face, behind the knees and around the arms.
Eczema is an allergic reaction but not to a particular substance but an overreaction of the immune system. The condition is usually hereditary especially if the parents have asthma or allergies. Just remember that there is no known cause for eczema but there are irritants that can trigger an outbreak of eczema. It is best that you are familiar with the potential triggers of eczema among children in order to prevent a flare-up from occurring. If you suspect that a child has eczema, it is best to have it properly assessed by a doctor so that appropriate treatment can be started as soon as possible. If you want to learn how to manage this skin condition, click here.

Household and seasonal allergens can trigger the flare-up of eczema. In case a child is allergic to pollen or other environment allergens, he/she should stay indoors or take a bath after being outdoors for more than 15 minutes.
Always remember that indoor allergens which cause eczema include mold, dust mites, pet dander and various foods such as dairy and nuts. The doctor can recommend daily antihistamine in order to control the seasonal allergies. By avoiding the known allergens, it is the ideal method of prevention.
Rubbing the skin
Skin that is prone to eczema is highly sensitive and can become irritated by constantly rubbing the skin. During the early stages, eczema can appear as small-sized, red-colored bumps that causes minor itch. In case the child notices the bumps, he/she might rub or prick them which can lead to reaction of the skin with an outbreak of eczema. It is recommended that parents should not rub the child excessively after a bath with a towel.
The airborne irritants such as air pollution or cigarette smoke can cause the flare-up of eczema. In case a family member is smoking, he/she should only smoke outdoors and wash hands after finishing a cigarette. In case a child lives in a highly polluted area, an indoor air filter should be installed and the child should stay indoors as much as possible.
Detergents and scented soaps can irritate the skin, thus causing the eczema to react. It is important that parents should only use hypoallergenic soap, shampoo or laundry detergents. There are certain non-soap cleansers that are readily available for children who have eczema.
These are some of the potential triggers for an eczema flare-up. These should be avoided as much as possible in order to prevent a flare-up from occurring.