The muscle tension in the neck can make the day unbearable. A sore knotted neck is likely to occur when the neck is twisted, engaging in vigorous exercise, slouching while working or watching TV or sleeping with the neck in an uncomfortable position. In some cases, a sore knotted neck can indicate a serious injury.
Once an individual experiences a sore knotted neck, it is best to provide the appropriate first aid measures to relieve the pain and discomfort. If an injury is suspected though, a doctor should be consulted for proper assessment and treatment.
Application of ice
The application of an ice pack or any cold object over the sore knotted neck will help loosen up the tightened muscles, minimize swelling and numb the muscle pain. You can wrap a handful of ice using a towel or applying an ice pack that is covered with a cloth directly over the affected area for 20 minutes every hour to help soothe the pain and loosen up the muscle. You can repeat this as needed to help reduce the pain, alternating with heat if needed. You can register for first aid training today so that you can learn more about the effectiveness of ice therapy on various conditions.

Application of heat
In case an ice pack is not effective, you can apply heat over the stiff neck to loosen up the muscles and soothe them. You can fill a hot water bottle or simply rinse a washcloth with hot water. Make sure that you will test the temperature using your fingers before applying it over the neck.
Place the warm compress over the neck for several minutes. Once heat is applied but causes pain, stop the application right away. In case heat alleviates the pain, hold it in place for 20 minutes. You can alternate a hot shower to reduce the neck pain and tightness.
If the neck muscles are rigid, massaging them can slacken them up. You can apply mild pressure over the tender areas of the neck, using the fingers to handle any painful spots. If the individual can treat the sore areas, he/she can massage the neck by cautiously manipulating the tense area until they loosen up.
The individual can perform mild stretching exercises since they will slowly reduce the tension in the tight neck muscles. The neck should be relaxed until the chin droops down to the chest. This position should be held for a few seconds and then bring it back up to the starting position.
The right ear should be tilted to the right shoulder while keeping them relaxed and then do the same on the other side. This can be repeated as needed throughout the day to relieve the tension you are holding in the stiff muscles.