What are the side effects of a black widow spider bite?

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It is important to note that the female black widow spider is regarded as one of the highly poisonous spiders in the world. The black widow spider is identified by its distinguishing hourglass-shaped, red-colored pattern on its abdomen. Always remember that the venom of this spider is a neurotoxin which affects the nerves as well as the nerve tissues.

What are the side effects?

Once an individual has been bitten by a black widow spider, he/she can experience an immediate pinprick sensation. The individual will develop spasms and cramping in the local muscle groups close to the site of the bite which later on spreads to a wider area of muscle groups.

Start of the symptoms

When an individual sustained a bite from the black widow spider, there are two, small-sized red fang marks on the site where the bite occurred. In most cases, a local reaction can occur within minutes and the pain can appear out of proportion to the size of the bite.

The systemic reactions can occur within an hour in which the individual can develop weakness, breathing difficulty and chest pain. The individual seems unaware of his/her surroundings. In some cases, seizures and shock can also develop. The symptoms typically peak 2-3 hours after the onset but can last for several days. It is important that you know how to manage the symptoms. All you have to do is to enroll in a first aid course today.

Black widow spider
The systemic reactions can occur within an hour in which the individual can develop weakness, breathing difficulty and chest pain.


Once an individual is bit by a spider, he/she must clean the wound right away and apply a secure bandage above the bite site to slow the spread of the venom as well as seek immediate medical care.

You can apply ice to the affected area to help slow down the spread of the venom. The medical treatment focuses on managing the symptoms. The medications can be given to control the pain and muscle spasms. A spider antivenin is available which can shorten the course of the effects. In case antivenin is used, there is the risk for the individual to experience a severe allergic reaction to it.

What is the outcome?

In most cases, individuals do not need hospitalization and the symptoms typically subside in a matter of 2-3 days. Even with the use of antivenin, the individual can experience weakness, fatigue and other non-specific symptoms that can last for 10 days. The elderly and those who have cardiac diseases face a higher risk for developing complications and would surely require hospitalization.

Always remember that the black widow spider is not aggressive and will only bite if disturbed. These spiders are usually found inside their webs which are often situated in protected places such as woodpiles and under stones. It is important to be careful when placing your hands in dark places since there might be a spider inside.

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