Strep throat is described as the infection of the throat that is instigated by a bacterium known as Group A streptococcus. Although this type of infection usually occurs among young children and adolescents, adults will also acquire strep throat. A doctor must be consulted if the individual develops the symptoms of strep throat to ensure that appropriate treatment is started as soon as possible. If you want to be prepared to manage the symptoms of strep throat as well as provide comfort to the individual during the course of the condition, all you have to do is to register for first aid training today.
Sore throat
The usual symptom of strep throat among adults is a sore throat. The unusual presence of streptococcus bacteria inside the throat can result to inflammation and irritation. Once this occurs, the individual experiences a sore sensation in the throat that makes it hard to swallow while eating.
Primarily, the symptoms of strep throat feel similar to a mild tickle inside the throat. As the bacteria starts to multiply, the tickle can progress into a throbbing sore throat that can worsen if not treated right away.

A strep throat will lead to the development of a high fever that goes higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. The fever typically develops within 1-2 days after the start of the sore throat. The fever can also be accompanied by chills, sweating as well as headache or generalized feeling of sickness. These symptoms can be readily managed with simple home remedies to provide comfort to the individual.
White-colored patches in the throat
If an individual has strep throat, the doctor will notice the appearance of white-colored patches on the surface of the throat or tonsils. Remember that these white patches develop due to bacterial mucus and pus inside the throat. Take note that the interior of the throat can appear irritated, red or swollen. This can be considered as an indicative sign of that there is an infection present.
Enlarged lymph nodes
Once bacteria invade the body, the lymph nodes work by filtering the pathogens from the blood. In case the individual develops strep throat, the lymph nose within the neck will feel swollen or enlarged and can be tender to the touch. The enlarged lymph nodes usually occur along with other symptoms such as fever or sore throat.
If an adult develops any symptoms of strep throat, it is important that he/she sets an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. This is important so that the condition will be properly assessed and the right treatment can be started. Prompt treatment of the condition is a must so that complications can be prevented. Remember that these complications can be serious to the overall health of the individual.