The knee is comprised of cartilage, bone, tendons, muscles and joints. If any of these structures are diseased or damaged, the individual can experience sore knees, limited mobility and difficulties walking. Arthritis is a degenerative condition that affects millions of individuals all over the globe. This condition can wear out the tissues in the knee joint, resulting to sore knees. Exercise and sports can expose an individual to injuries that can lead to long-term chronic pain. Using inserts can be a form of treatment for those who have sore knees.
Close look on inserts or orthotics
Shoe inserts or orthotics are devices placed inside the shoes to provide arch support. The insoles work by modifying and cushioning the force between the ankle and foot which helps reduce the knee pain. The inserts also change the movement and alignment of the foot. These are beneficial as a short-term solution as well as help prevent injuries from occurring.
Conditions where inserts can be used

Various conditions can be managed with the help of inserts or orthotics such as certain forms of arthritis, patellofemoral pain and iliotibial band syndrome.
Patellofemoral pain can be caused by overloading the knee joint, movement problems and muscular dysfunction. Individuals suffering from patellofemoral pain that can occur in one or both knees often have sore knees during activity and become worse while climbing stairs.
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint involves the deterioration of the knee cartilage which functions as the cushioning layer that is positioned in between the bones.
Iliotibial band syndrome involves pain on the exterior side of the knee joint. This is usually due to trauma or injuries and often occurs among runners.
What are the types of inserts?
There are 2 types of inserts or orthotics available in drug stores or pharmacies and the other types are the custom-made inserts. The advantage with the commercially-made inserts is that they are affordable and can fit into most casual shoes. On the other hand, there are drawbacks that must be noted. The readymade inserts do not fit on all types of feet and can quickly wear out. Remember that it usually takes 2-3 weeks to get used to the inserts. If the individual continues to use an insole that is uncomfortable, he/she might end up with increased pain and damage.
As for the custom-made inserts, they are prescribed by the doctor. These inserts are specially designed using a mold of the foot. Even though they are costly, they might be covered by the health insurance depending on the diagnosis.
Are inserts beneficial?
In a study conducted, it was discovered that individuals who utilize inserts reported a significant reduction of pain in the sore knees after inserts were used. As long as the individual chooses an insert that properly fits, it can greatly help relieve the pain from sore knees.