Sulfur allergy can be a minor annoyance but it can also be severe. It is essential that you know how to recognize if an individual is experiencing an allergic reaction due to sulfur. With this in mind, you have to be familiar with the beverages, foods and medications that contain sulfur. Always bear in mind that sulfur allergy can be based on a single type of derivative or medication as well as other sulfur-based products that might not trigger any reactions at all.
What are the mild symptoms?
There are several symptoms that can occur if an individual has sulfur allergy. Some of these symptoms are mild that the individual does not even realize that there is a problem. Take note that sulfur is an irritant that can trigger asthma-like reactions. In case sulfur-based medications or preserved food products are used, you have to watch out for subtle indicators of an allergic reaction. The individual can feel dizzy or have stomach upset, wheezing, diarrhea and tingling sensations after these products are ingested.
What are the severe symptoms?

If the individual experiences any of the symptoms stated upon taking sulfur-based medications and food products, it is best to consult a doctor. Once an individual is taken a sulfur medication and experiences an abrupt headache and vomiting, seek emergency care right away. Individuals who have asthma will experience a reaction upon ingesting medications or foods with sulfur. The severe symptoms of sulfur allergy include rash, wheezing, difficulty swallowing, rapid heart rate, anaphylaxis and seizures.
Sources of sulfur
Sulfur dioxide is basically released from sulfites. Take note that it can be found in various foods. Sulfites are utilized as preservative in certain foods such as pickled onions, dehydrated potatoes, jellies, pizza dough, jam, packaged gravy, maple syrup and sauces. The commercial distributors of food usually utilize sulfite as a preservative in different products. It is important that the individual will read the labels on foods. Additionally, beer and other alcoholic beverages usually contain sulfite preservatives.
How to determine if an individual has sulfur allergy
If the individual experiences mild to moderate symptoms, it might be needed to consult a doctor so that skin tests can be performed to diagnose the allergy. The individual must avoid eating any foods that can trigger an allergic reaction.
In case a reaction is triggered after taking a sulfur-based medication, it is best to call a doctor and stop taking the medications. The doctor will change the medication. Do not forget that if an individual is allergic to foods that contain sulfur, it does not necessary indicate that he/she is also allergic to sulfur-based medications.
Time span of an allergic reaction
An allergic reaction to sulfur tends to vary from one individual to another. In most cases, the reaction can be immediate or long term. The individual can also have a low grade reaction in which the individual will not even realize he/she is allergic to a form of sulfur for weeks, months or years. If you suspect that an allergy is causing problems, encourage the individual to keep a diary of the foods and medications along with the symptoms being experienced.