The water consumed by many individuals all over the globe including bottled water can contain at least a minimal amount of certain contaminants. If you believe that bottled water is completely free from microorganism, you are wrong. There are several types of bacteria that can be present in minimal amounts in drinking water that you should be familiar with.
Coliform bacteria
It is important to note that coliforms are the ever-present bacteria in the digestive tracts in both humans and some animals as well as in soil and plant material. Essentially, coliforms are harmless but when the bacteria are present in drinking water, it might be due to a problem in the treatment system or in the pipes that are responsible for dispensing the water.

The microbes that might be present can cause temporary effects in the body such as cramps, diarrhea, nausea, headaches and other symptoms. Take note that total coliform, E. coli and fecal coliform are markers of the quality of drinking water. If you want to learn how to properly manage these symptoms, click here.
Total coliform bacteria
Always bear in mind that the total coliform group is a big collection of various types of generally harmless bacteria that are usually present in the environment. In case the total coliform bacteria are detected in drinking water, the source is usually environmental while fecal contamination is unlikely the cause. Nevertheless, if the environmental contamination can enter the system, there might be a way for the pathogens to enter the system. It simply means that it is vital to determine the source and deal with the problem.
Fecal coliform bacteria
The fecal coliform bacteria are a grouped under the total coliform bacteria that principally survive in the feces and intestines. The presence of the fecal coliform in a sample of drinking water is indicative of a recent fecal contamination. It means that there is a high risk of pathogens than just the total coliform bacteria.
E. coli bacteria
It is important to note that E. coli bacteria usually originates from human and animal wastes and can also be eroded into the waterways during rains or when the snow starts to melt. In case these waters are not appropriately treated, the E. coli bacteria have the potential to contaminate the drinking water. Even though most of the strains of E. coli do not pose as a health risk, some are capable of producing a potent toxic that can trigger a serious infection in many individuals. The symptoms that are likely to manifest can include acute blood-streaked diarrhea and stomach pain.
Take note that water that has been tainted by the E. coli bacteria can be treated with various methods such as using ultraviolet light, ozone or chlorine in order to eliminate the current population of bacteria.