Once an individual has been diagnosed with flu, there are a number of treatment options to consider. It is vital that you are familiar with these flu treatments in order to find the right one.
Antiviral medications
In case the symptoms start within the past 48 hours, the individual can benefit from taking antiviral medications. These medications can shorten the length and reduce the severity of symptoms in many individuals.
Remember that some individuals face a higher risk for complications from the flu than others. These individuals will greatly benefit from antiviral medications. Just like with other medications, they also have side effects and most healthy adults can recover without any complications. In addition, antiviral medications will not cure the flu or eliminate the virus; they simply shorten the duration of the symptoms.
Over-the-counter medications

Just like with prescription antiviral medications, the over-the-counter medications will not cure the flu but they can help manage the symptoms.
The symptoms of flu usually include fever, fatigue, cough, weakness, headache and congestion. There are several medications available to help counteract these symptoms. Remember that there is no “ideal” flu medication since each individual reacts in a different way. The individual has to figure out what works best for him/her. There are several considerations to bear in mind when taking over-the-counter medications for flu:
- Use medications that only treat the current symptoms
- Be familiar with the active ingredients in all the medications being taken
- Consult the doctor or pharmacist regarding possible medication interactions
Humidify the air
A humidifier is a useful tool around when an individual has common cold or the flu. Persistent coughing and swelling in the nasal passages can lead to serious irritation. If a humidifier is used, it should be cleaned properly on a regular basis.
Humidifiers work by adding moisture to the air which makes it less dry and irritating for the individual to breathe. It is very useful at night time when the individual is in the same position for several hours. In addition, it can even help thin out the mucus in the sinuses and facilitate easy drainage.
Saline spray or neti pot
A non-pharmacological approach in managing flu is to use a saline spray or neti pot to rinse out the sinuses if congested. Both only require a mild salt water solution to cleanse out the sinuses. Remember that these should not be used for a long period but considered effective and provides immediate relief. Both can be used as often as needed.
Even though it seems difficult to take a few days off and rest, it is important. Remember that flu is much worse than a cold and the individual will not have enough energy at all.
It is recommended to call in sick. Once the individual prolongs the sickness and exposes others, they will end up sick in the process. It is best to stay home especially for the initial 2-3 days and until 24 hours after the fever is gone.