Various types of grains such as barley, rye and wheat typically contain protein that is known as gluten. In other circumstances, this is the protein that triggers the overstimulation of the immune system, thus causing the production of the immunoglobulin E antibodies or IgE. Remember that it results to an allergic reaction that can range from mild to severe.
- Abdominal cramps and pain
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Mouth ulcers
- Other gastrointestinal issues
- Anaphylaxis
In some individuals, they also experience other bodily issues particularly on the skin. The other symptoms of gluten allergy include the following:

- Skin rashes or eczema triggered by dermatitis herpetiformis
- Hair loss
- Depression
- Anemia or iron deficiency
- Reduced production of tooth enamel
- Bone issues such as osteoporosis
- Arthritis
- Abrupt weight loss
Some individuals might confuse gluten allergy with celiac disease which is a reaction that attacks the digestive system and trigger symptoms similar to gluten allergy. It is important to note that the difference between the two is the cause of the body’s reaction.
If celiac disease is suspected, the lining of the intestines are damaged permanently. Gluten allergy includes symptoms that are not linked to the digestive system and manifest in other parts of the body.
Can I drink malted beverages if allergic to gluten?
The individual should not drink any malted beverages. Always bear in mind that malt contains gluten, thus drinking a malted beverage can trigger an allergic reaction. Every time the individual consumes chocolate beverages, beer and other alcoholic drinks that might contain grains with gluten, the following malt allergy symptoms are likely to occur.
- Sneezing episodes
- Vomiting
- Runny nose or nasal stuffiness
- Headaches due to the swollen sinuses
- Sinus pressure
- Diarrhea
- Bloating
- Dizziness
- Rashes
- Abdominal cramping
- Breathing difficulty
- Facial swelling
- Wheezing
- Shortness of breath
- Chest tightness
The individual might also be at risk for anaphylaxis which is a severe reaction. In such instances, it is vital to call for emergency assistance or bring the individual to the nearest hospital. In some cases, an individual prone to severe reactions is prescribed with an auto-injectable epinephrine that must be administered once the symptoms of an allergic reaction are present.
Always bear in mind that an allergy to malt is not an issue to be ignored. Aside from the discomfort in the body, the life of the individual is at risk if he/she is not careful in selecting beverages or foods being consumed due to the risk of a severe allergic reaction.
Remember that observing the symptoms and concluding whether or not the individual has malt allergy might work for some, but it is still advisable to consult a doctor to undergo proper allergy testing to determine the exact allergen and start the appropriate treatment option. At the present, there are foods that are labelled as gluten-free. These might serve as suitable additions to the diet of the individual.