The silver birch trees are basically deciduous plants that belong to the birch family. These trees typically grow in climates in the northern hemisphere and native to England. During the pollinating season which starts in August and extends all the way to October, the pollen spreads throughout the air with the help of the wind. It is important to note that the silver birch trees are considered one of the common inducers of seasonal allergies. An individual with silver birch tree allergy will experience symptoms such as runny nose, itchy eyes and rash once exposed to the pollen.
What you need to know about silver birch trees
The silver birch trees are included in the same family as the hazels and alders as well as closely related to beech and oak trees. It simply means that those who suffer from allergies to trees related to birch are inclined to silver birch tree sensitivity. Individuals who have silver birch allergy experience an allergic reaction due to the release of histamines that occur all over the body. The histamine that is released initiates increased mucus within the nasal passages and airways which causes inflammation-related reactions such as constricted breathing, congestion and overall discomfort.
Cross-reactivity simply means that individuals who are allergic to certain pollen such as silver birch tree pollen can experience allergic reactions upon eating foods that have the similar molecular structure since the body mistakes the foods for the protein. Take note that silver birch pollen has cross-reactivity to various fruits including kiwis, apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, apricots, cherries and plums. There is also cross-reactivity to vegetables such as celery, carrots and potato peels. Additionally, cross-reactive proteins are also present in walnut, hazelnut and Brazil nut.
Symptoms of silver birch tree allergy

The birch pollen causes the symptoms of hay fever upon inhalation through the nose, eyes and mouth. The hay fever symptoms include watery and itchy eyes. Take note that skin irritation, eczema and hives can occur if the individual came in contact with the silver birch pollen. The cross-reactive properties of the silver birch tree can cause oral allergy syndrome if certain foods are eaten. The oral symptoms can include tingling sensation and swelling within the tongue, mouth and throat.
Allergic asthma symptoms
Allergic asthma is triggered by exposure to allergens that can cause an inflammation of the airways. Take note that silver birch tree pollen can induce the allergic asthma reactions upon inhalation. The symptoms usually include wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and bronchial spasms that can eventually lead to attacks. The symptoms are accompanied and aggravated by the hay fever symptoms such as congestion and sneezing, thus leading to further breathing constriction due to the increased swelling of the air passages.
Treatment for silver birch tree allergy
An effective way to treat silver birch tree allergy is to avoid exposure to the pollen. If you want to learn on how to deal with allergies, click here. Individuals who are sensitized might consider checking the pollen count as well as avoiding prolonged exposure to the outdoors during the peak season. Oral antihistamine and corticosteroids ointments can help provide relief for itchiness and skin irritation due to contact dermatitis. Asthma medications such as oral drugs and inhalers can prevent the asthma symptoms triggered by birch pollen irritants.