Thyroiditis involves inflammation of the thyroid. When it comes to subacute thyroiditis, it is an uncommon form that results to discomfort and pain in the thyroid. Individuals with the condition also have symptoms of hyperthyroidism and later develop symptoms of hypothyroidism. Even though brief, subacute thyroiditis can lead to lasting complications if left untreated.
What are the causes and risk factors?
The difference with other types of thyroiditis is that subacute thyroiditis is linked to a viral infection. As a response to the virus, the thyroid becomes swollen and the production of hormone is disrupted. This results to inflammation along with a variety of other symptoms.
It is important to note that subacute thyroiditis is slightly common among women ages 40-50 than men of the same age. It frequently arises after an upper respiratory infection such as mumps or the flu.

Subacute thyroiditis triggers pain in the thyroid gland. In some instances, the pain might also spread to other parts of the neck, ears or the jaw. The thyroid might also become swollen and tender to the touch. It is estimated that the pain typically lasts around 1-3 months.
Other symptoms that might arise include:
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Hoarseness
- Weakness
- Difficulty swallowing
If an individual is diagnosed with subacute thyroiditis, the doctor will prescribe medications to minimize the pain and control the inflammation. In some instances, this is the only treatment needed.
The usual medications that might be given include:
- Over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and aspirin which reduces the pain.
- Corticosteroids are used if NSAIDs are not effective in lowering the swelling. Prednisone is a widely-used corticosteroid which is prescribed by the doctor in 15-30 mg per day and slowly reduced over 3-4 weeks.
- Beta-blockers are prescribed if hyperthyroidism is present in the initial phases which lowers the blood pressure and heart rate to alleviate symptoms such as anxiety and erratic heartbeat.
The treatment for hyperthyroidism is vital at the start of the disease. Nevertheless, it is no longer useful if the condition has progressed into the second phase. During the late phases of the disease, the individual will develop hypothyroidism. In such cases, hormones such as levothyroxine is given to replace the ones that the body no longer produces.
The treatment for subacute thyroiditis is usually brief. The doctor will steadily wean the individual from the medications that were given to manage the condition.