If an unexplained rash, hives or stomach distress occurs, it can indicate an undiagnosed allergy. The preservatives that are present in foods as well as other consumer products are responsible for triggering an allergic reaction. In most cases, the symptoms are mild but some can suffer from severe reactions. Those who are allergic to preservatives must carefully read the food labels as well as avoid foods that contain specific allergens.
How an allergic reaction develops
It is important to note that allergies are due to the malfunction of the immune system. Essentially, the immune system identifies and attacks the viruses and bacteria that enter the body. As for allergies, the immune response basically targets the harmless substances such as pollen, pet dander or certain chemicals that are called as allergens. Take note that an allergic reaction can be mild and easily treated at home with first aid care while severe cases would always require immediate emergency care. It is believed that the environment and genetic factors both play a role in the development of allergies.
An allergic reaction to preservatives

Many manufacturers often add perishable goods with preservative chemicals such as sodium benzoate. Most of the food allergies can be triggered by an allergic response to these chemicals. Eczema, hives, vomiting, nausea and metallic taste are the usual symptoms of food allergy that sensitive individuals experience.
Even cosmetic products are also comprised of preservatives in order to lengthen the shelf life. Those who are allergic can experience the symptoms upon skin contact such as swelling or rashes. Allergic reactions to preservatives have increased throughout the years since many companies have introduced new chemicals into their products.
Diagnosing preservative allergies
If an individual suspects that he/she is allergic to preservatives or other chemicals, allergy testing can help confirm the condition. The doctor will conduct either a skin test or blood test. If a skin test is carried out, a small amount of the allergen is introduced into the skin. Once irritation or swelling at the site occurs, it indicates an allergy. In some cases, blood testing can be performed for reliable diagnoses but can take some time since a sample will undergo analysis.
Preventing and treating allergies to preservatives
The reliable form of preventing an allergic reaction is to avoid the offending allergen. In some cases, this is impossible. You can provide over-the-counter medications for minor allergy symptoms. As for the severe cases, it would require immunotherapy which involves a series of injections that are designed to control the immune system.
It is important to consult a doctor so that best course of action for the management of the allergy symptoms can be started. In case of severe reactions or anaphylaxis, the individual usually carries an injectable epinephrine or EpiPenall the time. This can be administered during the onset of the symptoms to provide relief.