If an individual develops intestinal gas along with other gastrointestinal symptoms after consuming boiled eggs, he/she might have a dietary intolerance to eggs. It is important to note that egg intolerance is a condition that triggers the manifestation of digestive complications once eggs are ingested.
Egg intolerance is somewhat different from an egg allergy. Always bear in mind that egg intolerance is triggered by the lack of enzymes in the digestive system while an egg allergy is the overreaction of the immune system to the proteins present in eggs. Egg allergies can cause more symptoms to manifest aside from the gastrointestinal complications. If you want to be prepared to handle an allergic reaction, all you have to do is to enroll in a class on first aid today.
What is egg intolerance?

Egg intolerance typically occurs if the individual cannot digest the proteins present in the yolk or white or both. After ingesting a particular food that contains eggs, the small intestines will produce enzymes that will break down the sugars and proteins. In case the proper enzyme is not present, the egg will go undigested and stay in the gut. Once the proteins enter the colon, bacteria will form on them which cause the manifestation of the common egg intolerance symptoms.
What are the symptoms?
The usual symptoms linked to egg intolerance include bloating, excessive gas, stomach, pain, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. The symptoms usually develop 30 minutes or up to 2 hours after eating eggs. The harshness of the symptoms depends on the intolerance level of the individual to the proteins that are present in the eggs.
The intestines can generate a certain amount of enzymes that partially digest the proteins or do not produce any enzymes at all. If the individual experiences severe abdominal pain or blood in the stool or vomit, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.
Always bear in mind that egg intolerance could not be cured but manageable through proper identification and avoidance. A doctor should be consulted so that a diagnosis regarding the condition can be given. Once properly diagnosed, the individual should avoid eggs and egg byproducts. The eggs might be labelled under a different name. Remember that ingredients such as albumin, globulin, egg powder, livetin, lecithin and vitellin are all made from eggs.
Since egg intolerance and allergies are confused, a doctor should be consulted regarding the symptoms. An egg allergy can lead to life-threatening symptoms during a severe allergic reaction. In case hives, nasal congestion, skin rashes or asthma develop after eating eggs, it is most likely an allergy not intolerance.
Whether it is egg intolerance or an actual egg allergy, a doctor should be consulted regarding the suitable diet and the dietary options to include in the diet. Additionally, supplements can be given as well.