Child care: How to care for fingertip injuries

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Fingertip injuries are likely to occur among children. The fingers end up smashed frequently, usually when caught in closing doors. The child might not be able to recognize a possible danger or he/she was not able to remove his/her hand swiftly enough before the door is closed. The fingers are also crushed when playing with heavy objects or when around the car door.

Since the fingertips are quite sensitive, the child will immediately complain that he/she has been injured. In most instances, the damaged area turns blue and swollen and there might be a wound or bleeding around the cuticle. The skin, tissues beneath the skin and the nail bed as well as the underlying bone and growth plate might be affected. In case there is bleeding beneath the nail, it will turn black or dark blue and the pressure from the bleeding can cause soreness.

Home treatment for fingernail injuries

Fingertip injuries
You can apply an ice pack or soak in cold water to reduce the pain and swelling.

If the fingertip is bleeding, cleanse it using water and soap and wrap with a soft, sterile dressing. You can apply an ice pack or soak in cold water to reduce the pain and swelling.

In case the swelling is mild and the child is comfortable, you can allow the finger to heal on its own. Monitor for any increase in the swelling, pain, redness or drainage from the affected area or fever that arises 24-72 hours after the injury. These might be indications of an infection and a doctor should be consulted right away.

If the swelling is significant, blood beneath the fingernail, deep cut or the finger appears broken, consult a doctor right away. Do not attempt to straighten a broken finger on your own.

Medical care

Once a fracture is suspected, an X-ray is ordered. If a fracture is confirmed or there is damage to the nail bed where the growth occurs, an orthopedic assessment might be required.

A fractured finger can be straightened out and restored in place while under local anesthesia. As for a damaged nail bed, it can be repaired via surgery to reduce the possibility for deformity as the finger grows. In case there is significant buildup of blood beneath the nail, it is drained by the doctor by creating a small hole in the nail to alleviate the pain.

Even though deep cuts might require stitches, sterile adhesive strips are usually enough. A fracture below a cut is considered as an open fracture and prone to infection in the bone. In such cases, antibiotics are given.

Quick Note / Disclaimer

The material posted on this page on fingertip injuries is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn to recognize and manage joint and tissues injuries including on the fingertips, register for a first aid and CPR course with Saskatoon First Aid.

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