Do I have dandelion allergy?

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Dandelion allergy is generally associated to ragweed allergies. Ragweed plants including dandelion release pollen during the late summer season up to fall. The pollen of these plants are spread by the wind and travel for miles. Consulting an allergist can properly diagnose the allergy and suggest the suitable treatments to lessen the symptoms.

What are the causes?

An allergy is the response of the immune system to allergens including pollen. It is important to note that pollen is a common trigger but more are susceptible to the pollen released by ragweed plants including dandelion.

Hay fever is comprised of allergy symptoms that arise if an individual is highly sensitive to the dandelion pollen.

What are the signs?

Hay fever is comprised of allergy symptoms that arise if an individual is highly sensitive to the dandelion pollen. In most cases, it triggers:

  • Stuffed or runny nose
  • Eye irritation
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat

Similar with other forms of allergies, dandelion allergy varies in severity. If an individual is highly allergic, being exposed to dandelion can trigger asthma symptoms such as wheezing as well as sinusitis and intense headaches. In some cases, the symptoms keep the individual awake at night time.


Dandelion allergy is assessed with a skin test where the skin is pricked and dandelion extracts are applied. If bumps or rashes at the test site develops, it indicates an allergic reaction.

The doctor will suggest oral antihistamines that work by blocking the histamine. This chemical reaction develops if one is exposed to the dandelion allergens. Some require nasal sprays and eye drops to lessen the irritation and inflammation.


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