Indications of staph infection in the bloodstream

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Staphylococcus aureus or staph is the bacteria responsible for triggering infections all over the body. If the bacteria move in the bloodstream, the individual can end up with a severe case of staph infection known as sepsis. Individuals who suffer from the signs and symptoms of a staph infection in the bloodstream would surely require immediate medical care in order to avoid any of the potentially life-threatening health issues.

Changes in the body temperature

Once the bacteria move into the bloodstream, the whole circulatory system can become inflamed. Fever is the normal reaction of the body to infection and helps prevent the intruding pathogen from reproducing and spreading to other tissues or organs in the body.  As an outcome, an individual with a staph infection in the bloodstream can end up with fever that is higher than 101.3 degrees F.

Otherwise, some individuals can end up with an unusually low body temperature that drops below 95 degrees F. The low body temperature can occur if the body could not control its core temperature due to the overwhelming inflammatory signals. Other symptoms of staph infection inside the bloodstream can occur along with changes in the body temperature such as headache, sweating or chills.

Breathing or heart rate changes

Staph infection
Other symptoms of staph infection inside the bloodstream can occur along with changes in the body temperature such as headache, sweating or chills.

Depending on the severity of the infection, an individual can experience breathing or heart rate alterations as symptoms of a staph infection in the bloodstream. During the initial phases of sepsis, the individual can develop a heart rate higher than 100 beats per minute which is called tachycardia and a breathing rate that is higher than 20 breaths per minute or tachypnea.

As the staph infection progresses, the individual can end up with a significant drop in the blood pressure that can result to a drop in the breathing and heart rate. These are the severe indications of staph infection that entail immediate medical care.

Diminished urine output

The reduced urine output is an indication of a staph infection. The low levels of urine production can occur due to the kidney damage or poor intake of fluid resulting from this infection.

Discoloration of the skin

In some individuals, especially infants and young children, they can develop skin discoloration as a symptom of a staph infection in the bloodstream. In most cases, an individual can appear unusually pale or bluish in color due to the abnormally low levels of oxygen in the body.

The skin can also become yellowish in color due to jaundice that was triggered by liver damage. In addition, some individuals can also end up with reddish or irritated patches of skin all over the body.

Irritability, fatigue and confusion

Individuals who have staph infection within the bloodstream can end up with severe exhaustion or confusion. In many circumstances, individual might sleep for extended periods of time throughout the day or might find it hard to wake up from rest.

Young children or infants with staph infection in the bloodstream appear unusually fussy, irritable, inattentive or confused. Those who end up with these symptoms that are accompanied by skin discoloration or fever should seek immediate medical care.

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