Possible lung issues that cause chest pain

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The lung issues that can trigger symptoms include wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath along with chest pain and tightness. It is important to note that some of the symptoms due to lung issues such as chest pain and tightness can be mistaken for symptoms of a heart attack, gastrointestinal issues or blood vessel disorder.


The chest pain caused by lung issues can be accompanied by bluish discoloration of the lips and skin as well as coughing up of blood. The lung conditions that trigger chest pain can be temporary or chronic and experienced as general or localized pain. If you want to learn more about these conditions, read here.

Chronic cough

Chest pain
The cough is a bodily response to help clear the lungs and airways from foreign or irritating substances as well as protecting the lungs.

The cough is a bodily response to help clear the lungs and airways from foreign or irritating substances as well as protecting the lungs. The cough can be clear mucus that contains phlegm or inhaled particles from the lungs. Nevertheless, once the lungs are swollen, the cough reflex is instigated, leading to chronic cough. Always bear in mind that severe and chronic coughing can strain on the chest muscles, thus causing chest pain and soreness.


The chest is commonly experienced by those who suffer from pneumonia. The condition involves the inflammation of the lungs as well as the pleura that cover the lungs, leading to severe chest pain and tenderness especially during deep inhalation.

If it affects the pleura, it is called as pleurisy and characterized by severe chest pain during inhalation and the cessation of pain upon exhalation. The treatment for pneumonia involves antibiotics, antiviral medications as well as anti-inflammatory drugs.


This is a condition in which air enters the pleural cavity around the lungs that results to partial or complete collapse of a lung. It causes difficulty in breathing and pain as well as pressure in the chest. The condition can be triggered by trauma or injury to the chest such as a direct blow with a blunt object or a penetrating chest wound.

Pneumothorax can also be triggered when the air that enters the lungs is at a higher pressure than the atmospheric pressure. The common causes of pneumothorax include certain diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung cancer and cigarette smoking.

Lung cancer

It is important to note that smoking is responsible for causing all cases of primary lung cancers which originate in the lungs and do not spread to other parts of the body. Lung cancer can causes severe chest pain once the mass of cancer cells press on the chest wall and other surrounding organs. Take note that the pain can be acute or chronic as well as localized or generalized. The treatment typically involves the removal of the affected lobe as well as radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment.

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