What are the allergy-related ear problems?

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There are ear problems that might be linked to allergies. If an individual suffers from allergies, the symptoms might start to involve the ears and hearing. Some of the ear issues include hearing difficulty, otitis media, ringing in the ears or fluid in the middle ear. It is vital that you know how allergies affect the ears, it is vital to discuss the possible treatment options with the doctor.

Allergy and ear problems

An allergy is an unusual response to a harmless substance. There are some allergic reactions that affect the respiratory system that can trigger issues with the ears and possibly hearing.

Some allergy symptoms include sneezing, runny or congested nose, itchy eyes, postnasal drip and headache especially in the sinuses. In some individuals, other symptoms can include skin eczema, sore throat, respiratory problems and asthma as well as facial or throat swelling. There are also other health issues linked to allergies that can include ear and sinus infections.

What are the common allergens?

The usual allergens include mold and mildew that thrive throughout the year and present in areas where moisture accumulates such as bathrooms, leaky pipes, kitchens and laundry rooms.

Seasonal allergies are triggered by pollen from grasses, trees and weeds. It is important to note that ragweed is prevalent pollen that spreads in the air in late summer. Dust mites and dust usually on furniture, carpets and bedding can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms.

Some individuals are allergic to pets such as cats, dogs and other animals that produce a protein that act as an allergen in their saliva. Take note that this protein is also present on their fur, urine and even in the dead skin flakes or dander.


Allergy-related ear problems
Some allergy symptoms include sneezing, runny or congested nose, itchy eyes, postnasal drip and headache especially in the sinuses.

Tinnitus or ringing in the ears can be linked to fluid in the middle ear. If the individual has severe allergy, there might be accumulation of fluid in the ears which results to hearing difficulties and tinnitus. If the individual was given treatment for the allergy, the ear problems might also resolve.


Decongestants are obtainable over-the-counter and prescription which relieves the congestion. Antihistamines can also relieve the allergies by preventing a reaction to the allergens.

The corticosteroid nasal sprays also work by relieving nasal inflammation and obtainable only by prescription. It is also vital to wash out the nasal passages using sterile nasal saline solution to help minimize the amount of fluid that backs up into the middle ear.

A prescription antihistamine can also be used for up to 2 weeks to achieve the full effect on the allergy. Management of the allergy can indirectly help manage the ear problems. This will allow the middle ear to drain the fluid. Once this occurs, the ear symptoms can reduce to allow the individual to hear as well as relieving the internal pressure.

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