What causes low blood pressure among the elderly?

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It is a known fact that the elderly are prone to problems in maintaining a stable blood pressure. Even though an elevated blood pressure is quite common, some can suffer from lasting or sporadic low blood pressure which is also called hypotension that can be problematic if the symptoms manifest. The usual symptoms of low blood pressure include dizziness, nausea, tiredness and fainting. It is important to note that there are various causes of low blood pressure among the elderly.

If you want to learn ways to manage low blood pressure, all you have to do is to register for first aid training today. In case low blood pressure is constant, it is best to consult a doctor for proper assessment.


Low blood pressure
The usual symptoms of low blood pressure include dizziness, nausea, tiredness and fainting.

Always bear in mind that dehydration can cause low blood pressure among the elderly. Dehydration typically occurs due to poor eating habits that can be triggered by various factors such as diminished sense of taste or smell, reduced hunger, depression, dental issues, lack of access to food and poverty. In most cases, the thirst mechanism in the body might not be functioning properly anymore, thus causing the individual to become dehydrated without even realizing it until it is already too late.

Bed rest

An elderly who spends a long time under bed rest due to a certain condition, injury or a debilitated status can lead to a severe case of orthostatic hypotension. Always bear in mind that this kind of low blood pressure usually develops once the individual efforts to stand up after sitting or lying for an extended period.


Among the elderly, post-prandial hypotension typically occurs. With this kind of low blood pressure, it usually occurs after eating a meal which was thought to be triggered once the blood passes through the organs of the digestive system. Among healthy adults, the body balances the changes but an elderly might suffer from low blood pressure up to an hour or more after eating a meal. Always bear in mind that post-prandial hypotension is quite common after eating breakfast or lunch.


There are some prescription medications that can cause low blood pressure among the elderly. The medications that are taken for the heart or for high blood pressure such as alpha blockers, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, beta blockers, nitroglycerin, diuretics and angiotensin II receptor blockers are taken to minimize the excess fluid. Even anti-anxiety drugs, narcotic pain medications, drugs for Parkinson’s disease and medications for impotence can cause low blood pressure.

Heart failure

Once the heart is pumping poorly, it might not have the capability to maintain pressure in the arteries at a sufficient level, thus resulting to low blood pressure. Even though this can occur at any age, heart failure is quite common among the elderly and often starts after a heart attack.

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