What is arachnoiditis?

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Arachnoiditis is a pain condition brought about by inflammation of the arachnoid which is one of the membranes surrounding and protecting the nerves of the spinal cord. The condition is characterized by severe burning or stinging pain along with neurological issues.


Once the arachnoid is inflamed, it can lead to the formation of scar tissues. This makes them adhere together and start to malfunction.

What are the possible causes?

Arachnoiditis does not have a consistent pattern, but it mostly affects the nerves linking to the lower back and legs and pain is its common symptom.
  • Direct spinal injuries
  • Chemicals such as the dyes used in myelograms but it is no longer used at the present. In some cases, the preservatives present in epidural steroid injections might also be a cause.
  • Chronic compression of the spinal nerves can be caused by a long-lasting degenerative disc disease or an advanced case of spinal stenosis
  • Infection from viruses or bacteria such as meningitis or tuberculosis
  • Complications from spinal surgery or other invasive procedures.


Arachnoiditis does not have a consistent pattern, but it mostly affects the nerves linking to the lower back and legs and pain is its common symptom. The condition can trigger various symptoms including:

  • Numbness, tingling or weakness in the legs
  • Sensation of insects crawling on the skin or water trickling down the leg
  • Muscle cramping, spasms and uncontrollable twitching
  • Significant shooting pain that strikingly resembling an electric shock
  • Bowel, bladder and/or sexual dysfunction

These symptoms might become severe or even permanent if the disease progresses. Many individuals with arachnoiditis could no longer work and suffer from evident disability due to the continuous pain.


Remember that there is no available cure for arachnoiditis. The treatment options are the same for other chronic pain conditions. Most of the treatment options for arachnoiditis are aimed on alleviating the pain and improving the symptoms that disrupt with daily activities.

Oftentimes, the doctor might suggest a pain management program, exercise, physiotherapy and psychotherapy.

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