The burning sensation in the knee can occur simply due to the sheer impact while running. As the foot strikes the ground, a ground reaction force is produced which is twice the body weight all over the body. The burning sensation might also be due to fatigue from the impact, especially if the individual is a beginner or just tried his/her first run. Certain injuries such as IT band syndrome or runner’s knee can also be factors to the burning sensation. A doctor must be consulted if burning sensation from the knee is persistent.
What is IT band syndrome?
IT band (iliotibial band) syndrome typically occurs due to excess friction during running between the iliotibial band and the knee bone. The pain can radiate from the sides of the knees. The treatment options for this condition include the application of ice and massage.
The ideal way to relieve pain is to provide the individual with an anti-inflammatory such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen as needed. Once the pain subsides, you have to stretch gently the muscle several times throughout the course of the day to restore normal functioning. If you want to readily manage this condition, click here.

Runner’s knee
An aching pain that occurs around the kneecap is likely due to a condition called as runner’s knee. If the individual had a previous injury, dislocation or overly used the muscles while running, he/she is prone to this condition.
The best way to relieve the symptoms is to rest the affected knee and avoid putting any weight until the burning sensation has fully reduced. While the individual is resting, keep the affected knee elevated higher than the heart. You should also place an ice pack on the kneecap for 10-20 minutes intervals throughout the day.
Considerations to bear in mind
In some circumstances, surgery might be required to manage the knee injury due to running. Those who are suffering from IT band syndrome, surgery might be recommended if they do not respond to medications and stretching exercises. The iliotibial band is surgically released to stop the pain in the knee. As for runner’s knee, surgical procedures include realignment and arthroscopy. When arthroscopy is performed, the damaged fragments are taken away from the kneecap while realignment involves moving the kneecap back to proper alignment.
Preventive measures
If the individual has weakened hamstrings or quads, he/she is prone to suffer from knee pain from running. It is best to add strength training routines that focus on the muscles at least 3 times in a week if the individual is prone to running-related knee pain.
Maintaining correct running form can also prevent the burning sensation in the knee. Always keep the arches of the feet from turning inward during landing and always make sure that the knees stay in alignment with the hips. If possible, purchase the best running shoes to minimize any discomfort and choose suitable surfaces to run.