Causes of a hard stomach

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The stomach that swells and feels hard to the touch can indicate a problem. The individual might be experiencing side effects of a diet being followed or it can be caused by certain beverages consumed. In most cases, if an individual has a hard stomach, there are also other accompanying symptoms. In some cases, the symptoms typically subside shortly after eating or after changing the diet. In other circumstances, the symptoms do not go away at all. If you want to learn more about these conditions, read here.

What are the possible causes?

Generally, a hard stomach indicates gas or constipation and the condition often subsides. There are certain beverages and foods that can cause issues with digestion. The consumption of sodas and eating too quickly can cause a hard stomach due to the accumulated gas. Oftentimes, a hard stomach can indicate a serious health issue such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or stomach cancer.

What are the symptoms?

Once an individual has digestive issues, he/she can experience symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, gas or feeling of fullness in the stomach. In such cases, the symptoms usually subside as the gas or digested food is eliminated. Nevertheless, stomach cancer can cause the stomach to feel inflexible or rigid and the symptoms linger on until treated.

Hard stomach
Once an individual has digestive issues, he/she can experience symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, gas or feeling of fullness in the stomach.

Types of cancers

It is important to note that a hard stomach can indicate certain forms of stomach cancers. Remember that cancer often develop in the stomach lining. In some cases, a tumor can form in the stomach lining which causes a hard bump on the stomach.

Another form of stomach cancer usually involves the abdominal muscles and results to stiff, leather-like scar tissues. Take note that stomach cancer can easily spread to nearby organs and cause any of the involved organs to feel solid.

Identification of digestive issues

An occasional constipation and indigestion can occur to anyone. Oftentimes, too much air enters the stomach. The consumption of carbonated beverages and eating too quickly or too much can lead to excess air in the stomach. As food is being digested, the excess air comes up as a burp. In some individuals, they might be lactose intolerant or might not readily digest some of the foods eaten. These momentary issues can cause a hard stomach for a few hours or even a few days.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition that involves frequent episodes of constipation, bloating, diarrhea, upset stomach and abdominal pain. Oftentimes, the symptoms can last for a few days or even weeks. During the period, the individual will feel bloated and have a hard stomach.

Considerations to bear in mind

It is important to note that how the stomach reacts to fiber is a factor to how serious the condition of the individual is. A diet rich in fiber can cause bloating and a hard stomach since fiber produces bulk and expands the stomach.

A diet that is low in fiber can prevent thorough digestion which causes the buildup in the digestive tract. Take note that individuals over the age of 65 years old or those who have undergone gastrointestinal surgery should not bulk up on fiber. If the individual consumes the recommended fiber intake and still ends up with a hard stomach after 7 days, it is best to consult a doctor.

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