When an individual walks on thin ice and it breaks unexpectedly, the individual will be submerged into the chilly water which can lead to cold-related conditions. Once you spot an individual in this situation, it is vital to help out the individual right away with the following steps. Just remember that before attempting any of these steps, you have to call for emergency assistance. Getting help on the way is vital before putting yourself in danger.
The initial step in helping out an individual in icy water is to preach. Do not get too close since you do not want to fall into the water by getting too close on the thin ice. Encourage the individual to try to stay afloat and not to give up. You are letting the individual know you are there and you are trying to help but you are going to do this safely.
You were able to work out the first step effectively if the individual was able to get out of the ice. If not, the next step is to reach him/her. You have to reach out to the individual without leaving the shore. You can utilize poles, ladders or anything convenient to reach the individual. In some areas, there are tools for ice rescue available. Remember not to go closer to the individual or further on the ice than you have to go.
In case you cannot reach the individual with a pole or a ladder, you can throw a line. Throw something to the individual and pull him/her out. A throw rope is used for this purpose but you can also use garden hoses or jumper cables. Just make sure that it is strong and handy enough to pull the individual from the water. If possible, tie the rope around the individual before hypothermia makes it hard for him/her to grasp the rope.
In case you cannot reach and cannot throw something, you have to reach the victim yourself by taking something to float on. When rescuing a drowning individual, you have to float. Row or float out to the individual. As for ice rescue, you have to push a flotation device out to the individual. In case the ice breaks again, you end up floating on the cold water beneath instead of swimming in it.
When the previous measures failed or unavailable, you have to go get the individual. If this is the case, it is vital if the professionals can do this task. Nevertheless, the clock is ticking as long as the individual is in the icy water.
In case you have to approach the hole in the ice, do not walk upright. You have to lie down and roll or slide up to the edge. The body weight can spread over a larger surface area which makes the ice less likely to break. Combine moving and reaching as well as using anything possible to reach the individual without moving too close to the hole in the ice.